UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1596]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Lee, L. D., degree, 824, 1570, 1574 fellowship, 877 Lee, L. H., fellowship, 1484 Lee, M. M., fellowship, 1482 Lee, Mary A., degree, 1556 Lee, Robert Emmett, degree, 1570 Lee, Robert Eugene, degree, 826 Lee, R. H., degree, 1251 Lee, Raymond L., Jr., degree, 1392 Lee, Robert L., degree, 1401 Lee, R. V., degree, 1572 Lee, Mrs. Ruth E., appointment, 323 Lee, T. D., appointment, 1453 Lee, Tien-Un, degree, 782 Lee, W. T., appointment, 1109 Leech, V. M., appointment, 357, 1186 Leeds, W. L., appointment, 39s resignation, 646 Leeds & Northrup Co., purchase, 468, 612 Leek, J. R., appointment, 872, 958 Leeming, J. W., Jr., degree, 589 Leemon, J. A., degree, 1S48 Leeper, C. R., degree, 418 Leeper, Charlyn V., degree, 1249 Leeper, Mrs. Verdell L., appointment, 261 Leetavorn, C , degree, 1561 Leever, R. S., appointment, 76, 1274 Leevy, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 334 LeFevre, L. W., degree, 798 Lefker, R., degree, 578 Lefkowitz, Mrs. Irene, appointment, 322 Lefkowitz, M., appointment, 323 Lefler, E. D., degree, 586 Le Fort, T. R., degree, 1544 Lefstein, A. H., degree, 824 Legal Counsel, appointment, 534, 672 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1196 authority, enter appearance of Board in legal proceedings, 1402 budget, 63, 262, 895, 1098 Legal Medicine, See Criminology and Legal Medicine. Legal services, Armstrong, J. H., Warner Construction Co. contracts, payment, 736 Chapman & Cutler, Chicago housing project revenue bonds, payment, 736 residence halls, bond issue, 763, 1267 Chatkin case, employment of special counsel, committee, 459 employment of special counsel, members of Board to be consulted, 436 Milliken, Vollers and Parsons, water rates litigation, payment, 1361, 1493 Snyder, Chadwell, and Fagerburg, payment, Blackburn case, 43s Kenny case, 1258 Legasto, M. C , appointment, 1186 Legasto, N. C , appointment, 674, 1186 Legator, Mrs. Elizabeth P., appointment, 269,



Lehman, D. C , degree, 8 i j Lehman, Jean U., appointment, 1187 Lehman, W. B., degree, 1561 Lehmann, E. W., 96, 930, 1444 . leave of absence, 604 Lehmann, Frances G., appointment, 317, 1155 Lehn, Phyllis A., degree, 806 Lehner, S. S., degree, 1564 Leiber, J., degree, 784 Leichenger, H., appointment, 360, 1189 Leichner, G. H., degree, 802 Leigh, B. G., degree, 826 Leighly, H. P., Jr., degree, 1534 fellowship, 478 Leighton, C. R., Jr., degree, 824, 1574 Leighton, R. T., appointment, 140 Leimert, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 477,

1043, 1188, 1227

leave of absence, 684 Lein, Marie E., appointment, 242, 702, 1081 Leininger, R. A., degree, 819 Leiser, R. S., degree, 1557 Leiss, C , Co., purchase, 29 Leiss, J. E., degree, 583 Leiter, O. C., appointment, 166, 1002 Leithner, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 330 Leland, S. E., Jr., degree, 454 Lembke, W. D., degree, 586, 1538 Lemcoe, Mrs. Dorothea A., appointment, 1314 Lemen, C. A., member of advisory committee,


Legator, M., degree, 1281 fellowship, 448 Legault, R. R., appointment, 1337 Leger, G. F., Jr., degree, 783 Leginski, B. J., degree, 1248 Legislation, Accountancy Act of 1943. amendment, 1293 appropriations bill, 772, 844 hearings, 685 East Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Building, construction, 772 . General Assembly bills affecting the University, enlarging powers of state auditor, 717 report, 868 . . . ^ state board of higher education, 716 LeGlaire, M. L., degree, 4j8 Legner, A. A., member of advisory committee, 365, 1195 LeGrand, Dorothy, resignation, 404 LeGrande, A. H., Jr., degree, 423

Lemen, G. W., degree, 815 LeMessurier, R. W., degree, 1565 Leming, J. L., degree, 581 Lemke, H. G., degree, 813 Lemmens, P. G., appointment, 1528 Lemmon, Mary L., appointment, 1499 declination, 1530 Lemmon, W. S., appointment, 1096 Lemmons, Florence P., degree, 412 Lemmons, M. F., degree, 581 Lemmons, W. S., appointment, 259 Lemnios, W. Z., degree, 795 Lemon, G. B., degree, 1245 Lemon, Ruth, appointment, 320 Lemons, D. F., degree, 1553 Lemp, J. F„ Jr., degree, 591 Lendrum, Bessie L„ appointment, 1314 Lendrum, F. C , appointment, 198, 204, 1032, 1039 Lendrum, J. T., appointment, 153, 180, 509, 843, 988, 1014 Leng, E. R., appointment, 99, 933 leave of absence, 406 Lenhart, Charmenz S., degree, 1534 Lenihan, Mrs. Marion C , appointment, 242, 1081, 1477 Lenit, O. S., Jr., degree, 824, 1574 Lennon, G. P., certificate, ^88 Lennon, Mrs. Rose V., resignation, 1502 Lennox, E. S., appointment, 872 LeNoble, D. E.. degree, 818 Lenowich, G., degree, 1397 Lens kits, Chemistry, purchase, 852 Lentz, J. H., appointment, 294 Lentz, N. E., appointment, 329, T171 Lenz, C , Jr., degree, 588 Lenz, Eunice, appointment, 11, 1308 Leon, M. J., certificate, 41 Leonard, J. D., degree, 817 Leonard, Maria, appointment, 64, 897 Leonard, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 263, 1099 Leonard, Mary T., appointment, 269 Leonard, N. J., appointment, 72, 690, 90s, i3M. 1446 leave of absence, 1408 Leonard, Rochelle, degree, 1399 Leone, Carla J., degree, 1401 Leonhard, C , appointment, 1179, 1452 Lepage, D. W., degree, 806