UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1595]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Leaves of absence, cont'd Tighe, J. P., 779 Tracy, P. H., 604 Trimble, H. D., 1353. >503 Trjitzinsky, W. J., 604 Trump, J. L., 1488 Turner, F. H., 879 Turyn, A., 1408 Tylman, S. D., 779 Underwood, R. B., 733 Ursic, S. J., S3 2 Usry, Edith M., 1408 Vance, G. A., 647 Van Cleave, H. J., 574 Vaughan, H. E., 1408 Veale, P. T., 647 Vermeulen, C. W., 514 Walker, Clareta, 406 cancellation, 336 Walker, L. D., 1408 Walston, R. L., 684 Walters, C. S., 1407 Wehrle, P. F., 1235 Werner, R. C , 1408 Will, F. L., 1408 Wilson, F. G., 1408 Witter, R. E., 574 Wood, W. A., 574 Zander, Berenice A., 1235 Zeitlin, H., 1280 Zimmerman, W. F., 733 Zirner, L. E., 1408 Ziroli, N. V., 733, 779 Zolt, N., 1317 Zubko, L. M., 1235 Leavitt, A. E., degree, 802 LeBaugh Coal Co., purchase, 342, 375 Lebduska, R. L., degree, 414 Lebduska, Wanda R., degree, 416 LeBeau, L. J., appointment, 1274, 1379 degree, 1569 fellowship, 531 Lebed, Rita A., degree, 806 Lebedeff, A. G., degree, 409 Lebedun, M. L., degree, 1576 LeBlond, R. K., Machine Tool Co., purchase, 500, 1465 LeBold, W. K., appointment, 246, 1085, 1379 Lebovitz, M. M., degree, 1576 Lebowitz, J. L., fellowship, 1485 declination, 1487 LeBoy, G. H., degree, 597 LeBreton, P. P., appointment, 690 Lech, Pauline D., degree, 828 Lecher, Mrs. Darlene W., appointment, 279 Lechniak, J. D., degree, 818 Lecos, C. W., degree, 1564 LeCount, Beryl B., degree, 581 LeCuyer, Janet A., degree, 1556 Ledderboge, Jean R., appointment, 302 Lederberg, S., appointment, 1445 Lederer, F. L., appointment, 207, 231, 1043 gift, 556, 1219 Lederle Laboratories, contract, 378, 469 change, 561, 1264 gift, 552, 1215 Ledet, D. A., appointment, 157*697, 99' Lee, Mrs. Ann P., appointment, 295 Lee, Carl W., degree, 1548 Lee, Charles W., degree, 1567 Lee, Cheng-Lee, fellowship, 1480 Lee, Dah-Hsuan, degree, 782 Lee, Doris, appointment, 311 Lee, Evelyn, appointment, 1160 Lee, F. E., appointment, 141, 976 Lee, F. J., appointment, 1227, 1528 Lee, J. C., appointment, 1274 Lee, J. P., certificate, 1329 Lee, Jeanne G., degree, 420 Lee, Katherine J., degree, 586 Lee, Ki C , degree, 1576

Leaves of absence, cont'd Leng, E. R., 406 Leonard, N. J., 1408 Lewis, E. G., 1408 Lewis, G. K., 574 Lewis, O., 1425 Lindstrom, D. E., 1320 Litherland, Mrs. Dorothy, 514 Locklin, D. P., 1353 Loken, R. D., 532 Longacre, A., 1425 Loomis, F. W., 519 extension, J193, 123S Love, E. I., 604 Malm, W. P., 647 Marcus, E. Elizabeth P., 574 Marcus, P., 779 Marks, Rachel, 479 Massler, M., 733 McBride, D. F., 647 McConnell, J. L., 1408 McGhee, J. R., 532 McGlothlin, Margaret P., 406, 1235 McPherson, W. H., 406, 647, 1407 Meginnis, P. J., 1531 Mendel, C. W., 1334 Meyer, Julia, 47 Munroe, M. E., 604 Murphy, R., 604 Mutti, R. J., 1408 Newcomer, H. L., 1353 Nordsieck, A. T., 574, 1235 Noreen, A. E., 1280 Odell, R. T., 779 Ohlsen, M. M., 1353 Otterson, P. A., 574, 779 Owens, C. B., 1408 Paden, D. W., 1407 Page, Mrs. Janet L., 47 Place, V. A., 647 Pomeroy, D. S., 532 Pulos, A. J., 1503 Ranz, W. E., 1353 Rapp, Mrs. Esther H., 604 Ray, G. N., 1459 Read, H., 1488 Reickert, F. A., 1235 Rhode, C. S., 1408 Ridenour, L. N., 2 Robinson, C. S., 449 Rockwood, Mrs. Ruth H., 1383 Roll, H. C., 532 Rolland, P., 1408 Roos, F. J., 514 Ruehe, H. A., 1408 Russell, J. A., 779 Sallach, H. J., 532 Sanders, W. B., 1384 Scheick, W. H„ 336 Schramm, W., 474, 1317 Scott, E. J., 1408 Scovill, H. T., 1531 Seitz, F., 1280 Shahani, K. M., 1235 Shannon, F. A., 604 Shanor, L., 604 Smythe, D. W., 779 Snader, D. W., 879 Snyder, R. E., 647 Springer, C. H., 604 Stafford, G. T., 1334, 1408 Stegemeier, H., 1408 Stendler, Celia B., 1353 Stewart, C. L., 1408 Stone, Elizabeth H., 684 Stephens, C , 1280 Straub, F. G., 1353 Stubblefield, F. M., 733 Swank, Irma L., 47 Tanner, M. C., 574 Thoraberry, H. H., 532