UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1482]

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Aaron, J. E „ degree, 1241 Aaron, R., degree, 801 Abbenhaus, G. R-, degree, 780 Abberley, Dorothy E., degree, 1236 Abbott, A. J., certificate, 841 Abbott, D. H., degree, 802 Abbott, E. T., degree, 1548 Abbott, L. A., member of advisory committee, Abbott, R. E., degree, 813 Abbott, W . L., tribute, 641 Abbott Laboratories, contract, 523, 1305, 1327 change, 713, 769

gift, 5 5 1 , 1213, 1214, 1471

purchase, 670 stock, sale, 835 Abbott Power Plant, contract, chimney, addition, 659 compressed air equipment, 850 Diesel engine house, piping, 658 electrical equipment, 544 fuel storage tank, 658 generator, 436 electrical equipment, release of funds, 606 engineering services, preparation of consolidated drawings, 863 turbine capacity, increase, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39 Abbott Power Plant Addition, contract, chimney, 25 Diesel engine house, construction, 522 piping system, 25 addition, 495 turbine generator, erection, 25 piping insulation, 25 intercommunication equipment, purchase, 557 release of funds, 338, 433, 520, 541, 606 Abdalla, I. S. E., degree, 1390 fellowship, 1480 Abdul-Baki, F. M., degree, 453 Abelle, B. E., degree, 594 Abels, D. L., degree, 1557 Aberman, Natalie F-, degree, 820 Abernathie, J. W., degree, 799. *543 Abingdon School District, contract, 1207 Abitante, P . A., degree, 1553 Abplanalp, N. E., degree, 1251 Abraham, Betty C , degree, 819 Abraham, J., degree, 802 Abrahams, F. W., degree, 587 Abrahams, J. L., certificate, 527 Abrahamson, Margaret, appointment, 358, 1186 Abrams, B. L., degree, 823, 1573 Abrams, J., degree, ISS7 Abramson, A. L., degree, 1571 Abramson, D. I., appointment, 353, 1181 Abramson, S. M., degree, 410 Abromovich, P. A., degree, 820 Abromowitz, Ada, appointment, 224, 1061 resignation, 1279 Abruzzo, B. L., degree, 1563 Absences, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1438 Academic and administrative budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 197, 1032 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 237, 1076 Urbana-Champaign departments, 58, 891 Academic ranks, Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel, 1337 Academic staff, retiring members, recognition,


Accountancy, Board of Examiners in, appointment of J. A. Velde, 1254 members, appointment, 1490 membership, 1295 resignation of R. H. Grosse, 1490 Accountancy, curriculum, revisions, 490 fellows, 676, 1479 See also Business Organization and Operation. Accountancy Act, administration, regulations, copy filed with Secretary of State, 1497 amendment, 1293 provision for examination under section 4 (b) unconstitutional, 664 Accountancy Committee, budget, 62, 895 C.P.A. certificates, award, 41, 380, 430, 488, 527, 535. 603, 707, 841, 1178, 1254,

1292, 1328, 1337, 1357* 1507 i4°7» 1490,

form, revisions, 1299 C.P.A. examinations, rules and regulations, recommendations, 1294 functions, 1294 Accounting machine, purchase, Housing Division, 558 IUini Union Bookstore, 525 Acer, D. W„ Jr., degree, 597 Achor, Mrs. Ethel, appointment, 1148 Achuff, Q. G., degree, 1239 Acids, purchase, 502, 852 research, contract, 523, 1327 Acker, D. S., degree, 1533 fellowship, 677 Acker, Geraldine E., appointment, n o , 120, 943i 953 Ackcrman, C. J., degree, 809 Ackerman, F., degree, 589 Ackerman, M. L., I l l , degree, 589, 1537 Ackerman, P., degree, 400 Ackermann, W. O., Jr., degree, 586 Ackman, R. L., degree, 797 Acme Coal Co., purchase, 31, 853 Acme Visible Records, Inc., purchase, 342 Acoustical Floor Tile Co., contract, 658 Acoustical work, Smith Music Hall and Stiven House, contract, 658 ACTH, gift for purchase, 1219 Acuff, Dorothy E., degree, 1557 Adams, A. F., Jr., degree, 803 Adams, C. L., degree, 820 Adams, C. L., Jr., degree, 1536 Adams, C. R., degree, 1240 Adams, Mrs. Catharine D. t appointment, 42, 389, 692, 869, 1223 degree, 413 Adams, Dorothy A., degree, 1252 Adams, E. F., degree, 1241 Adams, F. F., degree, 822 Adams, G. D., appointment, 133 resignation, 513 Adams, H. W., fellowship, 1483 Adams, J. A., degree, 585 Adams, J. G., degree, 1570 fellowship, 401, 1231, 1278, 1351 declination, 1279 Adams, J. H., degree, 800 Adams, L. A., appointment, 87, 920 Adams, L. E., degree, 1573 Adams, Lucile, degree, 1566 Adams, Mrs. Marie R., appointment, 210, 229,


Academic work, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1431 ACA Gallery, purchase, 711 Accident Compensation Committee, claim of A. Fitzgerald, recommendation, 1309

resignation, 1530 Adams, Mary E., degree, 1389 Adams, R., appointment, 71, 905 Adams, R. E., degree, 584 Adams, R. T„ appointment, 358, 1187 Adams, R. M., degree, 450