UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1483]

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Ward Expense, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 707 Wardrip, E. K„ degree, 934 Warehouse, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 485, 487 purchase, 354 Warekois, J. A., degree, 270 Warger, R. J., degree, 1243 Wargo, P., appointment, 755 degree, 1022 Warlin, A. S., degree, 270 Warneke, G. C., degree, 1543 Warner, A. P., degree, 855 Warner, E., contract, 334 Warner, I., degree, 1249 Warner, Iva I., degree, 113 Warner, J. W., degree, 278 Warner, Lois S., degree, 458, 1208 Warner, Mary A., degree, 470 Warner, R. D., degree, 1238 Warner, W., degree, 473 Warner Construction Co., bid, 76 contract, addition, 85 changes, approved, 508 contract for Lincoln Avenue Residence, extension of time, request denied, 13 settlement of financial items, 194 Warnock, R. G., degree, 1218 Warnock, R. L., appointment, 755 Warnock, Ruth A., degree, 854 Warren, C. E., appointment, 749 Warren, H. B,, Jr., degree, 261 Warren, J. W., degree, 278 Warren, L. C , appointment, 559, 1144 Warren, P., Construction Co., contract, 940 change, 1050 Warren, R. A., degree, 46a Warren, W. 1)., degree, 1019 Warren, W. W. t degree, 865 Warrick, E. S., appointment, 663, 1088 Warrick, R., appointment, 755 Warrington, W. G., appointment, 659 degree, 442, 1210 Warsaski, A., degree, 457 Warschausky, S., appointment, 1136 Warso, I., degree, 451 Wartik, H. J., degree, 1238 War Veterans, Division of Special Services for, budget, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 725, 805 summer session, 379 Urbana, 659, 767 degrees conferred, 127, 163, 277, 466, 864, Wascher, E. E., appointment, 757 Wascher, H. L., appointment, 583 salary adjustment, 1058 Wascher, Margaret, appointment, 736 WTascher Concrete & Insulation Co., bid, 297 purchase, 235, 281, 1164 Washburn, H. G., degree, 860 Washburn, J. V., appointment, 762 Washburn, P. A., member of advisory committee, 17S Washburn, V. D., degree, 460 Washington, Novelite L., degree, 848 Washington Street, property at 207 West, lease, 187 property at 407 West, lease, 187 Wasilewski, V. T., degree, 856 Waskin, M. C , degree, 854 Wasko, J- G., degree, 276 Waskow, W. A., Jr., degree, 461 Wassenhove, R. E.. degree, 1226 Wasser, N., degree, 466 Wasserman, E. R., appointment, 382 resignation, 345 Wasserman, H., degree, 1232 Wasson, D. K., degree, 469 Wasson, Mrs. E. Eileen, appointment, 74 2 Wasson, H. M., degree, 1219 Wasson, H. R., degree, 857 Wasson, Mrs. Helen H., appointment, 709

934, 1032, 1240


Wasson, J. A., degree, 266 Wasson, N. E., degree, 117 Waswo, O. L., appointment, 781 Waszak, M. L., degree, 449 Water, instrumental methods of detecting chemical contaminants, research, gift, 1168 Water coolers, Physical Plant, purchase, 240 Water filters, design, study, 1158 Waterford, G. D., degree, 849 Waterford, Hazel L., degree, 853 Waterhouse, G., appointment, 967, 979 exchange professor from Queens University, 818 Water main, installation on University property, 327 Water pumping facilities, Illinois Surgical Institute, contract, 1075 Waters, A. C., degree, 453 Waters, B, R., degree, 1029 Waters, J. F., degree, 865 Waters, R. W., degree, 446 Water service, agreement with Illinois Water Service Co., 316 staff housing research project, contract, 501 Vivarium Building, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 487 Water Station, improvements, funds, release,


Water Survey, building, site, additional space, 3 Water system, Research and Educational Hospitals, rehabilitation, engineering services, Water treatment equipment, Abbott Power Plant, contract, 237, 409 Watkins, B. K., degree, 865 Watkins, Mrs. Frances B., authority, execute revenue bonds for Small Homes Council housing research project, 817, 899 member of committees, 287, 288 Watkins, Frances L., degree, 1210 Watkins, G. M., degree, 461 Watkins, H. T., Jr., certificate, 206 Watkins, M. L., degree, 446 Watkins, Margaret J., degree, 44 2 Watkins, Marjorie C , degree, 1026 Watkins, R. W., appointment, 54, 875 Watson, A., appointment, 771 Watson, A. C , degree, 464 Watson, Evelyn L., appointment, 749 Watson, F. R., appointment, 616 Watson, Fern M.. degree, 434 Watson, G. L., degree, 437 Watson, H. J., fellowship, 340 Watson, J. H., Jr., degree, 265 Watson, Julia, appointment, 793 Watson, Mrs. June O., appointment, 732 Watson, M., degree, 473 Watson, Merrill B., appointment, 735 Watson, Milo B„ degree, 438 Watson, R., Jr., degree, 865 Watson, R. A., degree, 1243 Watson, R. L., degree, 268 Watson, R. O., degree, 461 Watson, R. W., appointment, 57, 879 Watson, S. A., degree, 257 resignation, 231 Watson, T. V., degree, 1243 Watson, W, J . , degree, 457 Watt, Jane C., appointment, 638 Watt, Lucille, appointment, 59, 881 cancellation, 1056 Watt, P. C , degree, 465 Watt, P. H., degree, 1020 Watt, R. J., degree, 276 Watt, R. M., degree, 1248 Watt, W. J., degree, 455 Wattenberg, A., appointment, 1177. H93 Watters, C. E., degree, 1215 Watters, D. L., degree, 453 Watton, H. C , degree, 449 Watts, Ruth M., degree, 1229 Watts. V. A., certificate, 133