UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 978]

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Land, cont'd. Nally, J. D., lease, 626 Parker, J., lease, 23 Percival, Mrs. Etta L,, lease, io, 113, 152, 635 Polk Street, appropriation, 510, 779, 781 purchase, 540, 612 railroads, lease, 132, 172, 224 Roselawn Cemetery, care, agreement, 185 Conn, W. S., deed, 519 exchange of lots, 185 Kinley, D., care of lots, 185 sale, 638, 659 State Road Belt Route, proposal, 191 vacant lots in Champaign, not for sale, 440 Lander, D. S., appointment, 423 declination, 416 Lander, H. B., certificate, 910 Land field, Rose C, degree, 247 Land-Grant colleges, Federal funds, additional, 390 buildings, 178, 188 staff, Federal income tax liability, 521 Land-Grant Fund, United States, interest, estimated income, 270, 662 Landis, P. N., appointment, 287, 560, 679 Landon, R. M., degree, 245 Landscape Architecture, admission, language requirement discontinued, 790 budget, expense, 326, 723 salary, 327, 725 laboratory fees, 228, 767 Landscaping, appropriation, 215 balance reappropriated, 359 committee, members, 147, 555 Landsness, Marjorie A., degree, 247 Lane, Margaret M., degree, 908 Lane, P. L., appointment, 343, 740 Lane, R., degree, 434 Lang, A. L., appointment, 313. 706 Lang, D. 1%.., appointment, 288, 561, 680 Lang, G. B., degree, 543 Lang, H., certificate, 253 Lang, J. M., appointment, 375, 759 Lang, Lucile M., degree, 906 Langdon, W. M., degree, 240 Lange, J. M., degree, 899 Lange, R. F., degree, 900 Langeberg. L., appointment, 386 cancellation, 463 Langham, H. D., degree, 899 Langhoff, S. P., Jr., degree, 133 Langhorst, M. \V. t degree, 437 Langhorst, O. M., degree, 37 Langner, M. E., degree, 383 Language and Literature, Division of. Chairman, 162 committee, 162 organized, 162 Lanham, C, H., degree, 137 Lanham, E. T., appointment, 303, 695 Laning, Erma L., degree, 37 Lannerud, E., degree, 544 Lznphier, P. H., degree, 901 Lansford, W. M., appointment, 305, 698 Lantcrman, J. B., degree, 897 Lantern slides, Century of Progress Exposition, gift, 186 Lantz, Evelyn O., degree, 906 Lantz, Helen M., degree, 546 Lantz, May V., degree, 138 Lapan, Mildred O., degree, 412 Lape, Eleanor R., degree, 247 Lapid, G. G., certificate, 910 Lapid, L. S., degree, 909 Lapidus, Ronia, appointment, 338 Lapin, M., degree, 383 Lapinski, Barbara, degree, 137 Lapofski, S^ degree, 255 Larkin, S- G-, certificate, 513 Largent, D., hid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Larimer, J. R., degree, 242


Larkin, L. C, degree, 98 Larrabee, D. M., appointment, 279, 671 degree, 889 Larsen, B. S., degree, 233 Larsen, J. A., Jr., degree, 244 Larsen, R. T., degree, 888 Larson, A. T., fellowship, 197 Larson, C. J., degree, 899 Larson, C. W., bid, 408 Larson, E. M M Jr., degree, 242 Larson, H. F., degree, 899 Larson, Hattie C, appointment, 335, 733 Larson, L. M., appointment, 289, 682 exchange professorship, 789 Larson, R. A., degree, 899 Larson, R. F., appointment, 303, 695 Larson, \V. M., appointment, 467, 757 Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 336, 733 clinical faculty, 373, 758 gift, instruments, 520 LaSagc, L. \V.. degree, 238, 890 scholarship, 197 LaSalle-Wacker Building Corporation, bonds exchanged, 176 Lash, A. F., appointment, 375, 759 Lasin, H., certificate, 910 degree, 909 Lason, Edith E., degree, 546 Latelle, J. L., degree, 255 Lathe, purchase, 517 Lathrop, W. G. E., degree, 436 Latta, J. D., degree, 136 Latta, L O., certificate, 513 Latta, P. R., certificate, 910 degree, 58 Lattimore, Naomi A., degree, 908 Lattimore, R. A., degree, 133 Lattuada, H. P.. degree, 252 Latzer, T. F., degree, 242 Lauchner, A. H., appointment, 68, 424, 572 degree, 56 Laughcry, E. G., degree, 546 Laughlin, R. G., certificate, 790 Laughlin, R. H., certificate, 20 Lauchner, Frances M., appointment, 280, 672 Laukitis, Veronica, degree, 907 Laundry service, bids, 795 contract, 27, 456, 795 Laurence, A. F., degree, 55 Laurence, Evelyn M., degree, 896 Laurent, A. M., degree, 900 Lautenbach, G. R., certificate, 394 Lauterbachj Anne E., degree, 233 Lavietes, Charlotte E., degree, 908 Law, G. C, appointment, 330, 727 Law, Martha V., degree, 546 Law, P. M., appointment, 374, 759 Law, S. H., degree, 899 Law, College of, admission requirements, transfer, 793 budget, expense, 272, 664 library, 744 salary, 325, 723 summer session, 110, 561 degrees conferred, list, 38, 57. 138. 249, 414, 438, 547. 906 summary, 230, 886 fees, students of other colleges, 228, 767 Harker prizes, 30, 460 regulations. 460 Harker scholarship, budget, 752 Law Building, painting, 367 roofing tile, purchase, 28 Lawder, H. L., degree, 35 Lawler, H. J., degree, 904 Lawler, M. N., degree, 546 Lawless, W. F., degree, 435 Lawrence, Dorothy H., degree, 251 Lawrence, E, D., member of advisory committees. 50, 472 Lawrence, F. H., certificate, 910