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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

974 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kuhns, R. H., appointment, 8s* 374* 76* Kuhrt, H. K., degree, 255 Kukar, M. Bernice, appointment, 316, 710 Kukee, D., degree, 139 Kunde, E. C, certificate, 253 Kuney, T. B-, Jr., degree, 894 Kung, T., degree, 891 Kunz, J., appointment, 303, 696 leave of absence, 206 patent, 637, 658 Kunzer, P . j \ , degree, 900 Kurek, A. T., degree, 248 Kurth, M. E., certificate, 253 Kurvinen, Corinna, certificate, 910 Kusch, Edith M., degree, 890 Kusch, P., appointment, 257, 304 degree, 888 Kusch, Mrs. Edith S., appointment, 745 Kushner, M., degree, 252 Kuykendall, C, bid, 408 Kuznitsky, M. t degree, 252 Kvetinskas, B., degree, 239 Kvidera, G. J-, degree, 252 Kwapisz, H. J-, degree, 911 Kwedar, A. T., certificate, 253 Kwint, J. A., certificate, 910 Kyle, Martha J., appointment, 287, 679 LaBaw, E. M., degree, 244 LaBaw, R. G., degree, 901 Laboratories, open during holidays, 599 use by visiting scholars, 589 Laboratory assistants, graduate work, schedule, 583 Laboratory fees, art course, discontinued, 515 chemistry course, 532 exemption, statutes, 585 physical education, 439 physiology, 163 procedure in fixing, 596 Urbana departments, schedule, 6, 225, 765 Lacey, J. F., degree, 255 Lack, H., degree, 252 Lackey, G. A., degree, 906 Lackner, J. E., appointment, 374 declination, 463 Ladd, R. L., appointment, 343. 375, 741, 760 Laffer, N. C.f appointment, 284 resignation, 463 Laffoon, C. R., degree, 546 La Force, A. F., degree, 244 LaFuze, G. L., appointment, 63, 124, 423 degree, 543 LaGrou, R. H., certificate, 790 Laine, Sister Mary R,, degree, 896 Lake, E. J., appointment, 108, 327, 558, 724 Lake, J. H., degree, 56 Lake, Julia M., degree, 894 Lake, R. W M degree, 243 Lambert, C. N., appointment, 338, 735 Lambert, E. H., degree, 909 Lamberton, Margaret, degree, 544 LaMotte, C., appointment, 15 Lampert, A. L., degree, 139 Land, acquisitions, proposed, 510 adjacent to University grounds, purchase, appropriation, 475, 489, 651 agronomy experiment field, lease, 492 assignment to departments, statute, 601 balance reappropriated, 776 Brownfield Woods, lease, 492 Buss, J., mortgage purchased, 32 Carter-Pennell farms, See Carter-Pennell. Chicago, acquisition, 116 Green Street, title, 81 Hart, M. M., deeded to University, 516 Kincaid Mounds, investigation, 60, 81 leases, statute, 596 Medical Building, deed in trust, 614 title, transfer, 452, 481, 500, 530, 606 verification and insurance, 528, 530 Mount Hope Cemetery, sale of lots, 638 Kramer, Evalene V., appointment, 155, 299, 691 Kramp, E. H. A., appointment, 344, 377, 740, 763 degree 912 Krantz, R. J., scholarship, 639 Krase, N. W., appointment, 200, 285, 559 resignation, 574 Krasnow, H. R., appointment, 373. 75$ Krass-Kestin, I. H., degree, 238 Kratz, A. P., appointment, 305, 698 leave of absence, 21 Kratz, J. P., director of Athletic Association, 789 secretary, Board of Directors of Athletic Association, 432 Krause, C. IX, certificate, 910 Krause, C. E., appointment, 42 Krause, L. S., degree, 896 Krauss, P. G., appointment, 15, 63, 107, 289 Kravtsow, G. L., certificate, 253 Krcek, J. A., degree, 900 Krebs, J., degree, 904 Krebs, K. F., degree, 896 Krebs, Sister Mary E., degree, 912 Krebs, R. YY\, appointment, 200, 286, 467, 677 degree, 135 Krcfft, H. H., degree, 244 Kreft. A. J., certificate, 910 Krehbiel, R. H., appointment, 423, 732 Kreim, Evelyn L., degree, 904 Krejci, E. J., appointment, 343, 740, 741 Kremer. R. J., appointment, 375, 760 Kreml, F. A., degree, 902 Krenkel, J. H., fellowship, 197, 640 Krcvitt, J. M., degree, 35 Krieg, Amelia, appointment, 109, 325, 722 Krieg, Clarice E., degree, 434 Krieg, Marie, appointment, 572 Krieger, S., certificate, 253 Krissman, M. W., degree, 239 Krivan, H. A., contract for instruction of, 29, 45S Kriz, Vera R., degree, 438 Kroesch, D. E., degree, 898 Krogh, Elva L., appointment, 348 resignation, 574 Krohn, L., appointment, 375 Kronenberg, M. H., appointment, 337, 377> 550, 734» /6l declination, 416, 913 Krooth, I), L., present at meeting, 775, 798 Krows, Edna M., degree, 903 Kruegel, Marian, degree, 908 Krueger, Ruth C, appointment, 100, 109, 561 degree, 543 Kruger, P. G., appointment, 304, 562, 6g6 research, gift, 133 Kruger, \V. P., appointment, 919 Kruglick, J., degree, 98 Kruglik, M., degree, 909 Krumm, J. H., corn purchased, 28 Krusa, C. H., degree, 245 Krusemark, A. H., degree, 894 Ksycki, II. H., degree, 911 Kubacki, W. H., appointment, 345, 742 Kubicek, Evelyn M., certificate, 790 Kubicek, Lillian K., degree, 250 Kubitz, O. A., appointment, 291, 562, 684 Kubota, H. M., degree, 248 Kuchlewski, E., cancellation, 67 Kuczcwski, F. H., degree, 383 Kudo, R. R,, appointment, 293, 686 Kudolla, M. P., degree, 899 Kugler, O. E., degree, 543 Kuhfuss, H. II., degree, 906 Kuhlemeyer, F e m e V., degree, 413 Kuhlman, A. F., appointment, 315, 709 Kuhlman, R., certificate, 910 Kuhn, L. B., degree, 250 Kuhn, R. C, degree, 891 Kuhn, Ruth J., degree, 238
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