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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 973 Kluever, C, appointment, 68, 142, 571 Kinky, D., cont'd. endowment, deed of gift, 392 cancellation, 384 Kluge, R. W., appointment, 143, 306, 386, gift, 186, 461 lease, 115, 141 699 Roselawn Cemetery, request, 185 Knapp, L, J., degree, 35 Kinley, Kate N., memorial fellowship, award, Knappenberger, T. G., degree, 906 Knauf, A. E., appointment, 285 22$* 790 Kneer, Leora P., appointment, 291, 684 deed of gift, 392 Kneier, C. M., appointment, 291, 684 fund, budget, 355* 752 Knight, A. R., appointment, 302, 694 Kinne, W. S., Jr., degree, 905 Knight, H. B., contract for instruction of, Kinney, C. R,, appointment, 550 52, 4,58 Kinney, Mary R., appointment, 3251 562. 7^2 Knight, T. F., appointment, 277, 670 Kinney, Wilma E., degree, 904 Knipp, C. T,, appointment, 303, 696 Kinse!, Katherine, appointment, 15, 63, 284, Knittel, R. F., certificate, 20 . 558, 676 Knowles, Darline M., degree, 235 Kmsella, Isabelle J., degree, 241 Knowles, Delores, degree, 904 Kinzer, Mrs. E. Rose, appointment, 746 Knudsen, W. N., certificate, 253 Kinzer, G. D., appointment, 304 Knudtzon, K. F., appointment, 343, 740 degree, 888 Kobak, A. J., appointment, 375, 760 Kipp, Karlene M., degree, 905 Kobrinsky, M. W., degree, 438 Kirby, E. V., Motor Company, automobiles Koch, H. J., certificate, 253 purchased, 216, 366, 796 Koch, Katherine C., degree, 36 Kirby, L. S., appointment, 286, 678 Kocour, E. J., degree, 548 Kirby, Mary C, degree, 247 Koehler, B., appointment, 313, 706 Kirch, E. R. P., appointment, 345, 743 Koehler, F. A., degree, 38 Kirk, Ethelyn L., appointment, 423 Koehler, Jean E., degree, 237 degree, 134 Koeller, Almira E., degree, 904 Kirk, Helen T., degree, 905 Koelmel, Celia E., degree, 414 Kirk, J. A,, degree, 250 Koelz, S. E., degree, 247 Kirkham, E. J., degree, 891 Koeneman, E. A., Electric Company, bid, 646 Kirkling, Marguerite N., degree, 43 7 Koenigsberg, N. M., appointment, 375 Kirkpatrick, A. R., degree, 245 Kirkpatrick, D. E., degree, 244 resignation, 773 Kirkpatrick, E. C, Solvay fellowship, 640 Koepke, R. F., degree, 255 Kirkpatrick, L., degree, 136 Koertge, N. H-, degree, 892 Kirkpatrick, Olive A., degree, 56, 889 Koessler, J. E,, degree, 247 Kirley, D. C degree, 894 Kohlmer, A. C., member of advisory comKisner, T. W-, degree, 139 mittee, 50, 4.72 Kistenmacher, F. W., appointment, 331, 423, member of Dairy Commission, 219 Kohlstedt, D. W., appointment, 199 729 Kistler, S. S., appointment, 106 degree, 233 Kohlstedt, Mrs. Ethelyn D., degree, 247 resignation, 201, 384 Kohn, B. 3 . , degree, 905 Kitch, E. A,, degree, 899 Kohn, Martha L., degree, 238 Kitchell, Velma I., appointment, 298, 328, Kohner, M., degree, 900 562. 691, 725 Kokernot Ranch, heifers purchased, 795 Kitterman, Maxine L., degree, 894 Kolar, F. J., Jr., degree, 897 Kittinger, F, \V., degree, 57 Kolb, L. H., degree, 252 Kttzinger, Angela M,, declination, 17 Kolb, Pauline E-, degree, 247 Klaas, Helen K., appointment, 423* 7**» 7*4> Koller, A. H., appointment, 289, 561, 681 7IS Koller, Elizabeth, degree, 250 Klapman, M. J., degree. 252 Koller, Margaret C., degree, 239 Klapperich, Marie V., degree, 136 Kolloff, H. G., appointment, 483 Klawans, H. L., appointment, 373, 758 degree, 887 Klawans, S. D,, degree, 905 Kolomatsky, C- G., degree, 912 Klayer, F. W., degree, 55 Komarek, J., appointment, 124, 344 Kleene, R. D„ degree, 239, 891 cancellation, 463 Kleiman, D., degree, 383 Kominik, E. A., appointment, 376, 761 Klein, A. D., Jr., degree, 911 Konchal, E. C, appointment, 523 Klein, A. H,, certificate, 253 degree, 241, 891 Klein, A, T., certificate, 910 Koniuszy, F. R., degree, 8g6 Klein, E. L., degree, 240 Konopasek, F. L.( Jr., degree, T37 Klein, E. S., certificate, 910 Konzo, S., appointment, 84, 306, 699 Klein, G. R., degree, 241 Klein, J. A, J., appointment, 352, 749 Koonce, Hazel, appointment, 335* 733 Klein, R. I., appointment, 375, 550, 760, 761 Koransky, D. S., degree, 35 Kleist, Esther E-, degree, 135 Korb, E. M., degree, 247 Kleitsch, W. P., certificate, 910 Kordenat, R. A., appointment, 377, 762 Klemptner, D., appointment, 373, 758 Korty, R. J., degree, 247 Kleppe, H., resignation, 99 Kosinskt, Wanda F. M-, degree, 247 Klima, J., degree, 139 Kosior, E. F., degree, 239 Klimek, S. W., contract for instruction of, Kot, H. C, degree, 255 Koucky, J. D., appointment, 377, 762 72 Kovacic, I. D., degree, 899 Kline, K. E., degree, 245 Kowalski, A. J., degree, 242 Klingner, Mary E., appointment, 42, 293* 685 Kowalski, R. f., degree, 900 degree, 544 Koza, J. L., degree, 383 Klockner, Mrs. Neva B., appointment, 323, Kraehenbuehl, J. O., appointment, 302, 694 718 Kraft, R. E., degree, 383 Klontz, Helen M., degree, 908 Kraines, S. H., appointment, 374* 761 Klotz, M., degree, 35 Krakower, I., degree, 383 Klow, S. D., degree, 34 Klowden, B. M., degree, 888 Krambles, G., degree, 901
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