UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 975]

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Kent, J. R. F., appointment, 290, 683 Kent, N. C, degree, 904 Kent, V. R., degree, 55 Kepler, Lucy V., appointment, 143* 348, 745 Keppleman, G. K., certificate, 253 Kerchncr, C. W., degree, 239 Herman, W. Z-, degree, 909 Kern, Lucille A., degree, 903 Kerns, Florence G., degree, 38 Kerr, Dorothy L., degree, 247 Kerr, Florence M„, degree, 251 Kerr, W. H., degree, 898 Kersey, G. T., degree, 98 Kershaw, Mary C, degree, 894 Kertes, Margaret, degree, 53 Kervey, Mary G., degree, S44 Kesel, R. G„ appointment, 344, 739 Kessler, H., appointment, 328, 725 Kessler, L. M-, appointment, 296, 688 degree, 242 Ketchum, M. S., death benefit, 104 Ketehum, P. W. t appointment, 107, 290, 683 leave of absence, 788 Ketel, June E., degree, 903 Keusink, Virginia M,, degree, 237 Kewaunee Manufacturing Co., bid, 626 Key deposit fund, budget, 356, 753 Keyes, D. B., appointment, 285, 305, 677, 698, 772 declination, 773 report on Johnstone patent, 212 Keyes, J. W., certificate, 910 Keyes, W. J., degree, 245 Keyser, L, S., appointment, 423, 678, 919 Keys to buildings, statutes, 595, 599 Khoubesserian, H. N., degree, 235 Kiamil, D.f degree, 891 Kiashif, M., degree, 235 Kibbey, D. E., appointment, 919 degree, 237, 890 Kibbey, H. P., degree, 900 Kibbie, H. C, degree, 55 Kiburz, A. J., Jr., degree, 137 Kidder, Margaret, appointment, 292, 685 Kientzle, Elizabeth L., degree, 903 Kientzle, Mary J., degree, 544 Kies, T. A., appointment, 257, 304 Kilander, A., & Company, bid, 476 Kilbourne, B. C., appointment, 423 Kiler, C. A^ furniture purchased, 132 Kiler, M. Ercilia, appointment, 42, 292, 685 degree, 890 Kiley, L. R., degree, 901 Kilgore, D. J., appointment, 352, 749 Killian, Kathryn F., degree, 53 Kiipatrick, L. E., degree, 233 Kiltz, W. R., degree, 137 Kimball, Carolyn, degree, 237 Kimball, P. W., degree, 242 Kimball, W. W. f Co., bid, 626 Kimpel, H. G., appointment, 919 Kimpel, J. V., degree, 894 Kincaid Mounds, investigation, 60, 81 Kinderman, R. H., degree, 241 King, A. B., degree, 436 King, Ameda R., appointment, 107, 290, 561, 683 King, B. A., Jr., degree, 244 King, Edward E., degree, 912 King, Elmer G., degree, 912 King, Everett E., appointment, 304, 697 King, Mrs. Eleanor S., appointment, 345* 742 King, Florence M., appointment, 299, 692 King, G. Y., degree, 413 King, Helen, appointment, 571 degree, 239 King, K. K., degTee, 900 King, W. R., degree, 414 King and Petry, bid, 86, 169 Kinley, D., appointment, 276, 296, 668, 689 director of foundation, 441 resignation, 441

Kauffman, Stella A., degree, 908 Kaufman, I., appointment, 155, 374, 759 Kaufman, I. W., degree, 897 Kaufman, S. I., appointment, 375, 760 Kavanagh, C. H., Jr., degree, 237 Kavka, S. J., certificate, 910 Kavolus, J. J., degree, 240 Kazak, J. T., degree, 34 Kazunas, A. A., degree, 250 Keach, M. W., degree, 898 Kean, Mary E., degree, 436 Kearby, K. K., appointment, 15, 423 Kearney, C. T., degree, 35 Kearns, C. W., appointment, 523 degree, 888 Kearns, E. J., and Company, bid, 780 Kearns, J. J., appointment, 375, 760 Keasby and Mattison Company, bid, 517 pipe covering purchased, 83 Keen, H. T., degree, 412 Keene, Lois, degree, 908 Keene, Natalie, degree, 904 Keener, C. A., appointment, 303, 694 Keepers, W. L., introduced, 448 Keeton, R. W., appointment, 336, 734 Keigwin, C. G., degree, 522 Keil, D. H-, degree, 413 Keilholz, F. J., appointment, 100, 309, 331, 703, 716 leave of absence, 148 Keith, A. W., degree, 900 Keith, Eleanor, degree, 237 Keith, G. S., appointment, 326, 724 Keith, M. Helen, appointment, 314, 319, 70S, 7U Keith, Mary, degree, 237 Keller, C. K., degree, 545 Keller, G. E., degree, 901 Keller, H. W., degree, 437 Keller, R. S., certificate, 253 Kelley, Cornelia P., appointment, 287, 680 Kelley, Grace, degree, 237 Kelley, V. W., appointment, 318, 322, 712, 717 Kelling, R. S., certificate, 790 Kellogg, Hazel E., degree, 38 Kellogg, J. E., degree, 243 Kellogg, J. S., appointment, 343, 345, 740, 742 Kellogg S & S Company, bid, 511 Kelly, Hortense E., degree, 908 Kelly, L. J., degree, 56 Kelly, Thelma E., degree, 247 Kelso, Ruth appointment, 287, 679 leave of absence, 535 Kemmerer, K. S., appointment, 423 degree, 542 resignation, 482 Kemp, C. D., degree, 37 Kemp, H. A., degree, 234 Kempster, Elizabeth C, appointment, 918 Kendall, Betty-Jane, degree, 54 Kendall, Catherine A., degree, 907 Kendall, Elizabeth R., degree, 251 Kendall, W., appointment, 918 Kendeigh, S. C, appointment, 657, 686 Kendrick, A. B., appointment, 42, 337, 734 Kendrick, E., contract for instruction of, 72, 458 Kendrick, Inez M., appointment, 42 Kenehan, E. F-, degree, 894 Kennard, E. M., offer of real estate, 494 refusal, 517 Kennedy, Mrs. Frances W.» appointment, 143, 323, 721 Kennedy, J. F., degree, 249 Kennedy, J. W., appointment, 327, 724 Kennedy, S., degree, 237 Kenney, H. E., appointment, 330, 727 Kenney, R. T., appointment, 423 resignation, 913 Kennington, Ruth E., degree, 894 Kent, Helen M., degree, 889