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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Incidental and emergency fund, budget, 275, 667 Income, budget, estimated, 270, 662 Income tax, liability, staffs of land-grant colleges, 521 Indemnity Insurance Company, automobile fleet insurance purchased, 539 Indian Mounds, investigation, 60 preservation, 81 Indovina, A. A,, degree, 255 Industrial Agricultural Research Fund, balance reappropriated, 208, 396 Industrial Education, budget, expense, 297, 690 salary, 299, 692 summer session, 109 Industrial Hygiene, Bureau of, request, 885 Industrial Recovery Act, State, effect on purchase of coal, 26 Infirmary, budget, expense, 342, 739 salary, 343- 74<> Information, Public, See Public Information. Information Office, budget, expense, 27S> 667 salary, 279, 671 Ingalls, H. B., appointment, 277. 669 authority to sign name of President of Board, 147, 555 Ingber, N. G., degree, 35 Ingham, Ruth H., degree, 246 Ingles, J. S., degree, 135 Ingraham, R. C, appointment, 340, 737 Ingstmp, W., bid, 786 contract, 786 Injuries, employees, advice concerning claims, budget, 275, 667 udg See also Accident compensation. Inland Steel Company, bonds purchased, 657, 796 Inland Supply Company, pipe purchased, 71 Inman, B. T., appointment, 41 resignation, 65 Inness, Eleanor D v degree, 908 Insecticides, investigation, 113, 165, 171, 224, 633- 634» 794, 878 budget, 309, 702 discontinued, 884 Inskip, F, R., degree, 242 Institute for juvenile Research, staff, exemption from fees, 567 telephone system, 178 Institute for Social Diseases, plan to acquire building, 884 Institute of American Poultry Industries, agreement, 24, 29, 794 Institutional Research, Bureau of, budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 281, 673 adjustment, 509 Director, Senate member, 576 Instruments, Medicine, gift, 520 Insurance, automobiles, 152, 539 statute, 600 boilers and compressors, 170 buildings, fire, 210 general policy, 177 list of policies, 177 chemistry building, 370, 409, 410 Chicago buildings, reduction, 638, 658 reenhouses, 211, 370, 531 orticulture barn and cottage, 521 Medical Building, title to site, 528, 530 Stadium, 30 Interfraternity Council, gift, 381 International Cellucotton Products Company, gift, 82, 884 International Filter Company, water purifiers purchased, 132 International Harvester Company, truck purchased, 539, 769, 794 Inventions, See Patents. Investigations, commercial, statutes, 592 See also Agreements and Patents. 969 Investments, See Endowment funds and Trust funds. Iowa Railway and Light Corporation, bonds purchased, 154 Ireland, C. H., degree, 56 Ireneus, C, Jr., certificate, 253 Irish, H. E., appointment, 376, 761 Irish, Rosemary J., degree, 904 Irland, J. E., degree, 899 Irvin, H. P., lease, 459, 460 rent, settlement, 166 Irwin, G. R-, fellowship, 640 Irwin, H. S., degree, 242 Irwin, R. R., degree, 245 Isakoff, J. F., appointment, 42, 291, 422, 684 Isaminger, F. E., Jr., degree, 237 Isenberg, Zelda S., degree, 237 Iske, A. F., degree, 247 Isley, Marilynn, degree, 904 Isovitz, I., degree, 252 Israelson, A. E., certificate, 153 Isted, D. C, degree, 545 Ittner, R. T., appointment, 289, 561, 681 sick leave, 514 Iurillo, S. D., degree, 239 Iwig, Dorothy J., appointment, 466, 718 Iz, M. C, degree, 235 Jablonsky, J. M., degree, 37 Jabri, M. K., degree, 891 Jackman, A. I., degree, 252 Tacks, F. M., certificate, 910 Jackson, C, degree, 137 Jackson, C. O., appointment, 42, 298, 329, 562, 691, 727 Jackson, Carolyn A., degree, 138 Jackson, D. D., appointment, 63* 422 degree, o n Jackson, E. R-, certificate, 153 Jackson, Ellen P., appointment, 99, 155, 3^5. 722 declination, 913 degree, 892 Tackson, H. G-, Jr., degree, 901 fackson, Helen F., degree, 894 ackson, Katherine G. J., degree, 56 Fackson, L., degree, 906 Tackson, Maxine M., degree, 547 Fackson, R. B., degree, 900 fackson, \V. R., degree, 900 Tacob, A., degree, 255 Facob, P. E., appointment, 292, 563, 685 Tacobs, H. H., degree, 545 acobs, H. J., degree, 252 acobs, H. M., appointment, 42, 376, 761 acobs, M. B., degree, 521 acobs, O. W., degree, 894 acobs, Sarah I., appointment, 15 declination, 17 See also Twomey, Mrs. Irene J. Jacobs, W-, degree, 250 Jacobs, W. B., degree, 894 Jacobs, W. F., appointment, 642, 759 degree, 98 Jacoosen, Eda A., appointment, 316, 710 Jacobson, L. G., degree, 241 Jacobson, M. M., degree, 255 Jacobson, R. D., degree, 240 Taffe, R. H., appointment, 375, 760 3 Jaffray, D. S., appointment, 15, i99» 5 3» 762 Jaglowski, Victoria S., appointment, 335, 733 ahns, E., degree, 247 abns, Mildred L., degree, 904 ames, Mrs. Cora L., appointment, 352, 749 ames, E-, endowment fund, 216, 461 ames, Elizabeth A., degree, 904 !James, H. F-, degree, 135 James, Margaret L., student loan fund, budget, 355, 752 James, Myra E., degree, 904 James, S. L., resignation, 65 Jameson, Augusta T.f degree, 438 Jameson, Camilla, appointment, 734 J g
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