UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 971]

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Ice cream, investigation, cerelose, 225, 368, 533 gelatine, 365, 458 sale and merchandising, 764 Ice hockey, course, fee, 439 Ice Skating Rink, maintenance, proposal, 796 Ickes, Mrs. Anna W., tribute, 391 Identification card system, Urbana departments, appropriation, 630 regulations, 629 Ihne, M. H., degree, 412 Her, R. L., degree, 237 Illinae Club, Chicago, gift, loan fund, 462 Illini Chemical Company, paper towels purchased, 433 IHini Publishing Company, gift, 381 Illinium research, budget, 328, 726 Illinois Association of Sanitary Districts, request, 214 Trustees, inquiry, progress of sewage research, 884 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., contract, 459, lease, 224, 541 Illinois Biological Monographs, gift, 186 Illinois Central Railroad Company, lease, Illinois Coal Co., bid, 408 Illinois & Indiana Coal Corp., bid, 51 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, scholarship, 655 Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, agreement, 763 Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, employment of students, funds stopped, 187 gift, 480 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, plans for graduate work, 453 Illinois Farmers' Institute, report, 566 scholarships, regulations, n o , 147 Illinois Highway bonds, 154, 368, 565, 634 Illinois Historical Survey, budget, 328, 726 Illinois Mining Institute, representatives present at meeting, 94 resolution, 80 Illinois Philip Carey Company, bid, 517 Illinois Power and Light Corporation, refrigerators purchased, 300 Illinois Press Association, Journalism Building, plans, 539 representatives heard, 94, 448 resolution, 80 Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, complaint, 170, 182 Illinois Society of Engineers, gift, 541 Illinois State Board for Vocational Education, contract, 29, 52, 72, 82, 97, 116, 152, 171, 224, 368, 457, 5*8. 878 Illinois State Dental Society, request, course in anatomy, 567 Illinois State Soil Survey, maps, purchase recommended, 170, 176 Illinois Union, Inc., agreement, operation of Union Building, 2, 70, 74 Illinois Union Building, appraisal, appropriation, 452 furnishings, 132 gift, 381 heat, light, water services, 115 new, proposal, 116 operation, committee, 380 report, 452, 565 remodeling, 98, 488 rental, 488 Illumination Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 777 Imig, K. R., degree, 902 Immele, M. Sophia, appointment, 318 resignation, 463 Imperial Chemical Industries, license, Johnstone process, 797 Implement shed, horticulture, insurance, 521

132, 2 2 4

Huffman, E. H., appointment, 15, 386, 559 fellowship, 197 Huffman, J. F., degree, 383 Huffman, L. M., degree, 38 Hug Company, trucks purchased, 223 Huggins, I., contract for instruction of, 458, 878 Huggins, Ruth C, degree, 53 Hughes, C. E., J r „ degree, 243 Hughes, Cathryn J., degree, 903 Hughes, D. C, degree, 896 Hughes, F. H., degree, 247 Hughes, K. F., certificate, 910 Hughes, L., appointment, 386, 466, 523, 680 degree, 53 Hughes, R. W„ degree, 546 Hulbert, W. C, appointment, 422 resignation, 525 Hull, G. W., degree, 900 Hull, T. G., appointment, 376, 761 Hulhhen, Yv., communication, 178, 188 Hully, H. H„ appointment, 285 degree, 887 Hulse, B. L., degree, 900 Hult, B. E., degree, 905 Humidity, investigation, budget, 309 Humiston, C. E., appointment, 377 retirement, 204 Huml, Frances J., degree, 904 Hunkel, V. H., certificate, 253 Hunsucker, H., trimming campus trees, payment, 770 Hunt, Dorothy M., degree, 237 Hunt, L. H., degree, 241 Hunt, M., degree, 3?t 234 Hunt, M. J., degree, 907 Hunter, H. L., degree, 36 Hunter, Harriet T., degree, 894 Hunter, J. M., degree, 90s Hunter, M. H., appointment, n o , 296, 422, 689 Hunter, Natalie E., declination, 201 degree, 233 fellowship, 197 Huntington, W. C, appointment, 301, 694 Hurd, C. C, degree, 888 fellowship, 197 Hurd, Evelyn V., degree, 247 Hurd, J. W., degree, 902 Hurley, Candace A.r appointment, 772t 918 Hurley, J. R., appointment, 288 resignation, 416 Hursey, Mary L., degree, 247 Hursh, Charlotte F., degree, 247 Hursh, R. K., appointment, 301, 694 Hurt, B. R., appointment, 312, 70s declination, 913 degree, 245 Hurwich, T. J., degree, 521 Hussey, H. S., degree, 546 Huston, A. D . r appointment, 107, 288, 523, 561, 680, 744 Hutch ens, R. S., degree, 898 Hutchinson, F. W. C, degree, 900 Hutchinson, J., appointment, 318, 712 Hutchinson, J. J., degree, 894 Hutchison, W. A., certificate, 910 Hutton, R., appointment, 353, 750 Hutton, R. B., degree, 244 Huxtable, Kathryn W., degree, 237 Hygiene, requirements, bachelor's degree, 112 deficiencies, 793 skin, investigation, 82, 884 budget, 333, 731 Hyland, F., appointment, 68, 141, 422 Hyland, Mrs. Ruth H., appointment, 571 Hyneman, C. S-, appointment, 107, 291, 563, 684 Hyui, V., degree, 891 I ben, I., resignation, 45 Ice block, freezing, license agreement, 74 patent, 59, 185