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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Helm, J. E. f degree, 237 Helraer, Vivian S., degree, 546 Helmreich, T. C, degree, 543 Heltsley, J. H., contract for instruction of, 458 Helwig, A. E., degree, 413 Hemophilia research, budget, 731 Henderson, E., degree, 234 Henderson, Gienna A., appointment, 323, 718 Henderson, Julia J., degree, 894 Henderson, M., appointment, 299, 692 Henderson, R-, contract for instruction of, Henderson, R. G., appointment, 288, 680 Henderson, T. O., appointment, 352, 749 Hendey Machine Company, lathe purchased, 517 Hendricks, C. A., degree, 35 Hendricks, J. O., degree, 887 fellowship, 197 Hendricksen, P. J., degree, 900 Hendricksen, W. E., degree, 900 Hendrix, R. E., contract for instruction of, 72, 458 Hendrix, Samantha G., degree, 233 Heniken, Marian E., degree, 57 Henneberger, Olive P., appointment, 62, 422, 466, 523, 680 Hennecke, C. F., degree, 546 Henner, R., degree, 34 Hennigar, Elsie L., degree, 908 Hennighausen, A. W-, degree, 905 Henning, A. B., degree, 248 Henry, H. K., degree, 242 Henry, R. E., appointment, 62, 155, 286, 422, 677 Henry, T. A., degree, 237 Hensel, Evelyn M., degree, 543 resignation, 201 Hensey, J. L., degree, 902 Hensley, Martha L., appointment, 324, 399, 719 Henwood, P. E., appointment, 303, 695 Henze, D., appointment, 550, 670 Hepburn, N. W., member of advisory committee, 50, 472 member of Dairy Commission, 219 Hepner, P. E., certificate, 253 Herbstman, F., degree, 255 Herdman, A, W., resignation, 45 Heritage, W. F., certificate, 910 Herman, C. E., appointment, 280, 672 Herndon, Zelma L., appointment, 760 degree, 35 Herrington, J. W-, degree, 901 Herrington, W. A., appointment, 199, 311, Herrmann, R. E., degree, 98 Herrmeyer, C. F., certificate, 153 Herrold, R. D., appointment,. 340, 918 Herron, E. L., degree, 907 Herron, H.f degree, 909 Hershey, A. E., appointment, 305, 698 Hershey, N. J., degree, 383 Hertzberg, A., and Craftsmen, diploma covers purchased, 151 Hertzberg, L. J., degree, 138 Herzberg, M., degree, 909 Herzog, P., certificate, 910 Heslip, M. F., appointment, 62, n o , 296, 688 Hess, E. R., degree, 252 Hess, H. H., degree, 901 Hess, J. H., appointment, 339, 736 gift, 5^1 research, 53 statement, headship of Department of Surgery, 448 Hess, M. E., degree, 897 Hesselschwerdt, Catherine L., degree, 237 Hessler, G. O., degree, 243 Hester, G. T., degree, 898 320, 704 965 Hester, W. T., degree, 899 Hetishce, F. G., degree, 250 Hetzner, H. P., degree, 894 Heubaum, U., patent, 59 Hewitt, Mary A., degree, 251 Heyer, H. E., degree, 252 Heyl, Ruth E., degree, 904 Heyman, H. H,, degree, 894 Hiatt, G. D., Carr fellowship, 197 degree, 35, 887 Hibbard, Mrs. W. G., gift, 31 Hibbert, G. F., appointment, 41, 375, 760 Hibbs, Ruth, appointment, 141, 422 Hick, F. K., appointment, 337, 734 degree, 912 Hiekey, E., degree, 138 Hickey, R. J., degree, 240 Hicks, R. B., degree, 899 Hicks, R. L., appointment, 466, 678; 918 Hicks Laundry and Dry Cleaning, bid, 795 Hieronymus, R. C, declination, 641 degree, 900 scholarship, 639 Hieronymus, R, E., appointment, 281, 673 Hieser, I. W., degree, 245 Higgason, Mary I., degree, 894 Higginbotham, F., appointment, 99, 296, 422, 559. 688 degree, 54 Higgins, H. R., appointment, 304, 697 Higgins, J. A., appointment, 339, 736 Higgins, Marion V., appointment, 199, 550, Higgins, Sister Evarista, degree, 548 Higginson, G. D., appointment, 292, 684 High. School Conference, budget, 275, 667 High School Instruction, budget, expense, 297, 690 salary, 298, 691 supervisors for practice teaching, 21 High School Visitor, budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 280, 672 member of committee on admissions, 190 Senate member, 576 Highsmith, R. A., degree, 239 Highways, Division, State, receipts, regulations, 364 request for alternate State route, 405 Hiles, F. R., degree, 242 Hilfinger, D. F., degree, 248 Hilkevitch, A, A., certificate, 910 Hill, Aneita E., degree, 53 Hill, B. W\, degree, 240 Hill, Charles, appointment, 352, 749 Hill, Chesney, appointment, 107, 291, 563 resignation, 552 Hill, Dorothy J., appointment, 41* 199, 348, 746 Hill, E. A., degree, 437 Hill, E. L., degree, 53 Hill, Esther "V., degree, 36, 251 Hill, F. C, degree, 233 Hill, F. S., certificate, 513 Hill, G. R., certificate, 253 Hill, H. H., appointment, 337, 734 Hill, I. R., degree, 36 Hill, R. E., appointment, 918 Hill, Regina M., appointment, 422, 685 Hill, T. J., degree, 906 Hill, T. R., degree, 897 Hill, Virginia M. L., degree, 250 Hill, W\ G., acting head, School of Music, 5i4 appointment, 328, 562, 725 Hill Clarke Machinery Company, machinery purchased, 769 Hillebrand, H. N., appointment, 106, 287, 679 Hiller, E. T., appointment, 14, 108, 293, 685 Hiller, F., degree, 240 5 6 1 , 5 7 1 , 722
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