UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 969]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hoft, R. W., degree, 139 Hogan, J. D., appointment, 327, 724 Hogan, Sister Stella M., degree, 37 Hogan, W. J., appointment, 466, 742 Hogans, Marie L., appointment, 318, 319, Hog litters, reduction, contract, 30 Hogue, J. C, degree, 37 HoheiseL W. F., appointment, 422 Hohenad.el.Elsa L,, degree, 894 Hohn, F. E., scholarship, 640 Hoit, O. W., member of advisory committee, 50, 4 7 ^ Holahan, Sister Mary B., degree, 54 Holder Hardware Company, contract, 455, 458 Holidays, laboratories open, 599 staff members, 587, 588 Holinger, P. H., appointment, 373, 758 Holl, W. B., appointment, 41, 328, 725 Holland, W. E., appointment, 286, 678 Hollem, Amy I., degree, 543 Hollender, A. R., appointment, 373, 758 Holler, H. A., degree, 240 Hollingshead, Gladys, appointment, 84, 277, 422, 669 HolHs, E. L., degree, 899 Holloway, F. A. L., declination, 201 scholarship, 198 Holloway, L.. L. V., degree, 38 Hollowell, Dorothy M., degree, 37 Holman, C. F., degree, 413 Holme, Mary E., degree, 248 Holmes, A. A., degree, 435 Holmes, R. M., appointment, 109, 298, 328. 562, 691, 725 Holmes, L. R., appointment, 918 Holmes, W. A., degree, 247 Holmgren, E. C., degree, 239 Holoffe, C. P., degree, 383 Holsinger, W. W., degree, 245 Hoist, W. H., degree, 55 Holstein, T,, degree, 521 Holstrum, C. L., degree, 546 Holt, H. D., degree, 544 Holt, H. W., appointment, 325, 723 Holt, T. W., Plumbing Co., bid, 476 Holt, Mrs. MelHe G., appointment, 321, 716 Holton, Mary, degree, 55 Holtzmann, S., degree, 98 Holub, L. A., degree, 383 Holverson, H. J., degree, 37 Holy, T. C-, statement, independent survey of budget, 158 Homann, G. H., degree, 138 Homann, Rosina, degree, 899 Home accounts, research, funds, 404 Home advisers, budget, 322, 324, 718, 719 revision, 398, 399, 400 Home Economics, budget, expense, 307, 700 revision, 398, 400, 470, 783 .salary, 316, 320, 322, 710, 714. 7*5* ~*si addition, 509 adjustment, 012 summer session, 109 Cafeteria, budget, expense, 307, 700 salary, 3T7> 712 fund, balance reappropriated, 207, ,776 expendable gift fund, 702 fellows and scholars, list, 198 head of department, appointment, 786 acting, 654 laboratory fees, 227, 767 scholarships, regulations, n o , 147, 164 special committee, 148 Home Economics Education, budget, expense, 297, 690 salary, 299, 692 Home Owners Loan Corporation, bonds purchased, 71


Hilligoss, R. L., degree, 57 Hillman, H. R, scholarship, 639 Hilpert, F. M., degree, 894 Hilton, G. R., appointment, 108, 292, 685 Hilton, Helen E-, degree, 908 Himelblau, Lucile C, degree, 908 Hindle electrocardiograph, purchase, 517 Hindman, Virginia, degree, 239 Hindsley, M, H., appointment, 14, 109, 328, 33^, 562, 725, 729 Hine, M. K., appointment, 739 Hine, Maude M., degree, 246 Hines, E., Lumber Company, lumber purchased, 366, 634 Hinman, Eunice O., degree, 907 Hinshaw, W. W., degree, 544 Hinton, Alice, appointment, 571 Hintz, H. P., degree, 244 Hipp, U., degree, 898 Hirsch, E. W., appointment, 99 gift, 521 Hirschberg, Nell, appointment, 466, 761 Hirschtick, A. B., certificate, 910 Histology, budget, expense, 342, 739 salary, 342, 740 adjustment, 509 History, Babcock fellowship fund, 355, 752 budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 289, 682 summer session, 107, 561 course, Western Slavs, 491 Division of Social Sciences, 161 exchange professorship, 789 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 198, 640, 771 Hixon, W. G., appointment, 352, 749 Hoag, M. W., appointment, 303, 696 Hoar, Helen G., degree, 36 Hobbs, G. M., authority to execute papers,


712, 713

director of Foundation, 441, 442 request, 494 Hoblit, F. D., degree, 902 Hock, J. R., certificate, 153 Hockbarth, Eugenia M., contract for instruction of, 52 Hockey, course, fee, 439 Hocking, D. A., degree, 902 Hodek, F., Jr., member of ceramic advisory committee, 78 Hodges, E. R., degree, 894 Hodges, I. H., degree, 251 Hodges, N. 1)., degree, 547 Hodgson, Helen B., degree, 237 Hoemiger, R. J., degree, 894 Hoehn, R. A., degree, 254 Hoehner, Hallie E., degree, 247 Hoelscher, R. P., appointment, 302, 695 Hoelscher, W. F., degree, 242 Hoener, I. R., degree, 902 Hoersch, V, A., appointment, 290, 562, 683 Hofer, J. W., degree, 237, 891 Hoff, W. A., degree, 912 Hoffenberg, N. L., certificate, 910 degree, 138 Hoffman, A. L., appointment, 14, no Hoffman, Audrey A., degree, 544 Hoffman, B, F., degree, 906 Hoffman, Evelyn E., degree, 904 Hoffman, H. A., degree, 897 Hoffman, M, M., appointment, 63, 422 degree, 254 Hoffman, Mary A., degree, 905 Hoffman, R. A., certificate, 20 Hoffman, S. J., appointment, 376, 761 Hoffman Electric Co., bid, 476 Hoffman, F. N., certificate, 394 Hoffstadter, W., certificate, 58 degree, 521 Hofstadter, R., declination, 201 scholarship, 197