UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 964]

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Governor, cont'd. Medical Building, request, 407 newspaper attack, report, 140 service of State Architect's office, 91 Gower, W. C., appointment, 41 Gowns, Commencement, appropriation, 140 budget, 275 contract, 151, 17*, 518, 540 Grabner, Helen M„ degree, 233 Grade-point requirements, Fine and Applied Arts, 48 Journalism, 163 Gradman, R., degree, 909 Graduate Club, loan fund, merger, 80 Graduate Orthodontia, budget, expense, 342, 739 salary, 344, 742 Graduate School, budget, 328, 7^6 degrees conferred, list, 35, 53, 133, 231, 4ii» 433. 542, 886 Chicago departments, 55, 136, 255, 438, 548, 912 professional, 232, 888 summary, 230, 885 fees, summer session, Dentistry and Medicine, 567 fellowships and scholarships, appointments* 17, 44, 61, 196, 256, 382, 639, 771, 914 appropriation, 95, 470 budget, 355, 752 fees, exemption, 585 regulations, 95 Chemical Foundation, 172 research, balance reapproprjated, 20S statutes, 580 assistants, work schedule, 583 Dean, Council member, 576 Senate member, 575 student discipline, 576 thesis deposit fund, budget, 356, 753 Graduation requirements, bachelor's degree,



procedure for students transferring to professional schools, 793 Fine and Applied Arts, 48 honors, new plan, 632 Journalism, 163 Library School, change, 490 Medicine, 48 See also DegreesGradwohl, Beulah E., appointment, 354, 751 Graff, Sarah F., appointment, 917 Gragg, E. R., degree, 246 Graham, C. B., degree, 901 Graham, C. L., cancellation, 45 Graham, F. W., degree, 437 Graham, J. B., degree, 902 Graham, Kathryn M., degree, 237 Graham, R., appointment, 3 I 4. 322, 707* 717 Graham, Ruth R., appointment, 772 degree, 908 Graham, W. J., appointment, 287, 679 status, 160 Graham Paper Company, bid, 477 Grahl, C. H., degree, 437 Gramesiy, Margaret A., death benefit, 25 Grams, E. T., degree, 548 Grand Army Memorial Saber, gift, 82 Grandy, Dorothy H., degree, 902 Granger and Bollenbacher, professional services, Medical Building, 217, 495 payment, $29, 556, 609 Grant, C, bid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Grant, Mrs. Charlotte L., appointment, 14, 106 degree, 231 Grant, F. R., patent assignment, 765 royalties, 114 Grant, Isabelle F., appointment, 348, 745 Grant, Mary A., degree, 903 Grant, V. V., degree, 240

Granular materials, investigation, budget, 300, 306 gift, 884 Graser. R. C, degree, 898 Grasselli Chemical Company, acids purchased, 223, 794 agreement, 113, 171 . Gravelot, H. J., certificate, 513 Gravett, H. L., appointment, 123 Gray, Edna R., appointment, 323, 718 sick leave, 654 Gray, Elisabeth J., degree, 136 Gray, H. M., appointment, 199, 296, 689 Gray, Helen, degree, 251 Gray, P. G-, degree, 900 Gray, Phyllis E-, degree, 250 Gray, S. W-, scholarship, 771 Grear, W. W., degree, 437 Greco, V. J., degree, 253 Greeley, R. H., degree, 237 Green, C. C, degree, 56 Green, D. C, degree, 908 Green, E. L. t scholarship, 198 Green, F., appointment, 325, 561, 723 retirement, 754 Green, F. B., degree, 383 Green, Florence L., degree, 38 Green, G. K., appointment, 304, 562, 697 degree, 236 Green, J. W., appointment, 917 degree, 891 Green, M. D,, degree, 246 Green, P. M., appointment, 296 declination, 415 resignation, 98 Green, R., appointment, 99, 377, 762 Green, R. V., appointment, 466, 550 degree, 240, 891 Green, Ruth M., degree, 237 Green, W., degree, 255 Green, W. H., degree, 233 Greenberg, Adeline S., degree, 909 Greenberg, M., certificate, 910 Greenberg, R. A,, degree, 254 Greene, B. L., degree, 98 Greene, Beverly L., degree, 905 Greene, H. L., degree, 243 Greene, J. T., Jr., degree, 241 Greenebaum, H. A.f appointment, 374, 759 Greengard, J., appointment, 376, 761 Greengard, S. B., degree, 898 Greenhouses, insurance, 211, 370, 531 north, steam line improvements, appropriation, 168, 194 vegetable, steam line, casing, purchase, 457 Greenlee, S. O., appointment, 550, 678, 917 Greenman, P., degree, 246 Green Street, improvement, 26, 60, 83, 208 optional University route, 448 State routes, University policy, 405, 538 survey, 33, 8i title, 113 Greenwood, E. L., degree, 897 Greer, Agnes F. P., appointment, 41 Greer, M. C, degree, 900 Gregg, R. T., appointment, 109, 298, 299, 346, 421, 560, 651, 744 Gregory, Catherine E., degree, 889 Gregory Drive, lots not for sale, 440 paving, appropriation, 215 balance reappropriated, 359, 777 contract, 390, 410 traffic signals, appropriation, 652 Gregory scholarship fund, budget, 35s, 752 Greider, Janice E., contract for instruction of, 29 degree, 237, 889 scholarship, 197 Greif, Dorothy M., degree, 237 Grennan, H. A., degree, 383 Gresham, Nina, appointment, 141 Greshiw, G. S.» appointment, 14, 334, 732