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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

962 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gusinow, N. R., degree, 98 Gustafson, C. I., certificate, 790 Gustafson, C J., appointment, 41, 376 degree, 34 Gustafson, Gladys, appointment, 34S, 742 Gustafson, T. G., degree, 383 Gustafson, K. L., degree, 903 Gustafson, P. V., appointment, 918 Gustafson, W. A., appointment, 421, 498, 738 Gustin, Jessie M., declination, 45 Guttman, M. R., appointment, 373 Guttschow, R. W., degree, 246 Guzman^ M. B., de, degree, 544 Gymnasium, Men's, New, use for President's Sail, 95, 521 Old, lumber purchased, 795 Gymnasium, Woman's, terrace alterations, contract, 455, 458 Gymnasiums, bath towels, purchase, 390 laundry service, 795 See also Recreational facilities. Gymnastics team, expenses, assignment of funds, 488 Gynecology, See Obstetrics. Haak, Marjode E., degree, 246 Haake, D. R-, degree, 901 Haas, M., degree, 436 Haas, M. L., degree, 250 Haas, R. R., Jr., cancellation, 65 Habberton, W., appointment, 14, 298, 385. 498, 560, 642, 691 change in status, 490 Hack, R. W., certificate, 253 Hackett, H. B., telegram, 432 Hackett, R. P., appointment, 296, 559, 688 Hackleman, J. C., appointment, 313, 322, 706, 717 Hackleman, R. E., degree, 899 Hackley, Ruth A., degree, 894 Hadaway, Saraetta, degree, 247 Hadden, S, B., appointment, 68, 141, 421, S7i cancellation, 384 Haddock, G. F-, degree, 434 Hadley, R. H., appointment, 288, 421, 680 Haedike, Ruth A., degree, 903 Haering, D. W., gift, 186 Haerting, Evelyn A. E., degree, 903 Haftkowski, D. J., degree, 909 Hagan, Bernadine, scholarship, 639 Hagan, C. B., appointment, 41 Hagan, Mrs. Mabel R., appointment, 14, 299, 386, 691 Hagan, R. C, degree, 906 Hagan, W. W., degree, 239, 892 fellowship, 639 scholarship, 256 Hagele, Marie A., degree, 912 Hagen, S. E., degree, 245 Hagenbuck, W. E., degree, 242 Hager, Louise E., degree, 53 Hager, R. P., appointment, 14 degree, 234 Hagerty Brothers Company, steel purchased, 28 Hagey, W. C, degree, 243 Haggard, G. L., degree, 250 Hague, Stella M., appointment, 284, 676 Hahn, Aleen E., degree, 414 Hahn, J. F., appointment, 466, 760 certificate, 438 degree, 913 Haines, W. T., appointment, 708 Haines Co., bid, 476 Haist, G. F., degree, 907 Hakala, L. J., degree, 383 Hale, Bessie D., degree, 434 Hales, E. B., appointment, 918 Halevy, A. A., appointment, 421, 762 Hall, A. R.r legal services, payment, 72 Hall, A. W., aegree, 56, 906 Hall, B. R., appointment, 303, 695 Gress, Sara E., appointment, 74. 348, 421 resignation, 482 Grether, Mae E., degree, 907 Gricr, J. S., degree, 56 Griffin, G. F., degree, 237 Griffin, Gwen G.f degree, 246 Griffith, C. R., appointment, 108, 281, 298, 560, 673, 691 Griffith, D. K., appointment, 689 degree, 891 scholarship, 196 Griffith, R. H., degree, 136 Griffith, S. E., appointment, 353. 75° Griffiths, J., & Son Co., bid, 475 Griffiths, J. E., certificate, 790 Griggs, Grethel Bj degree, 904 Grigsby, Martha E., declination, 773 scholarship, 640 Grillot, G. F., appointment, 917 Grim, R. W-, degree, 241 Grimm, S. E., degree, 243 Grimmer, E. A., appointment, 375, 763 Grindley, H. S., appointment, 314, 707 Gring, J. L,, appointment, 285 degree, 887 Grismer, A. R., degree, 53 Griswold, Beth, appointment, 466 resignation, 525 Grohar, S. G., degree, 546 Gronner^ C. J., degree, 254 Grose, G. E., degree, 237 Gross, C. A., degree, 55 Gross, Marian J., degree, 902 Gross, S. T., appointment, 285, 559, 678 Grossblat, J., certificate, 910 degree, 58 Grossman, B. M., degree, 898 Grossman, D. A., appointment, 278, 281, 282, 670, 674 Grossman, H., degree,438 Grossman, J. W., certificate, 910 Grossman, M. O., certificate, 253 Grosz, E., appointment, 374> 759 Grote, B., degree, 53 Grote, Marcella E., degree, 246 Grote, P. F., Jr., degree, 906 Grote, C. A., degree, 901 Grounds, maintenance, budget, expense, 351, 748 salary, 353, 750 wages, Chicago, 354, 751 Grove, D. W., degree, 254 Grubb, C. F., appointment, 289 resignation, 641 Grubb, G. R., contract, 518, 540 Gruber, E. E., appointment, 123, 286, 678, 917 Grubman, M., degree, 909 Grunwald, M. F., appointment, 344, 740 degree, 254 Gryboski, E. F., degree, 908 Gsell, L. A., degree, 907 Gubbins, Maude, appointment, 343, 740 Guests, expenses, regulations, 596 Guild, T. H., prize fund, budget, 355, 752 Guiney, Mrs. Emily M., appointment, 642 Gulbrandsen, L. F., appointment, 339, 376 resignation, 552 Gulledge, J. R., appointment, 349 resignation, 525 Gullett, Julia L., degree, 246 Gullette, C. C, appointment, 108, 292, 563, 685 Gunn, S. A., certificate, 910 Gunnell, J. W., degree, 246 Gunner, H. C, degree, 137 Gunning, Sister Mary I., degree, 36 Gunther, A., certificate, 253 Gunther, J. K., appointment, 14 degree, 887 fellowship, 197 Gurovitsch, M., certificate, 513 Gurvey, J., appointment, 374, 759
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