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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
960 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Goldsmith, N. A., degree, 890 Goldstein, A., appointment, 344, 742 Goldstein, H., degree, 37 Goldstein, H. H., degree, 521 Goldstein, J. M., degree, 911 Goldstein, L. A., degree, 906 Goldstein, L. H., degree, 906 Goldsworthy, B. F., degree, 894 Goldt, H. B., degree, 547 Goldwasser, M„, appointment, 373, 758 Goldyen, A, J., certificate, 910 Golf course, location and use, 601 See also Recreational facilities. Golf team, expenses, assignment of funds, 488 Gollin, Frieda, degree, 413 Golub, H. W., appointment, 374, 759 Gonckowski, E, A., degree, 900 Goode, Gaylia M., appointment, 914 degree, 889 scholarship, 197 Goodenough, B. A., degree, 243 Gooding, C, appointment, 141, 571 Gooding, Evelyn M., degree, 237 Goodman, A. I., degree, 255 Goodman, Catherine E., resignation, 258 Goodman, D. H., degree, 891 Goodman, E. F., appointment, 466, 762 Goodman, L., appointment, 523, 760 Goodman, M. W., degree, 250 Goodnight, C. J., degree, 894 scholarship, 640 Goodson, M. R., appointment, 14 resignation, 45 Goodspeed, W. S., appointment, 302, 695 Goodwill Industries, contract, 34 lease, 481, 632 Goodwin, YV. L., degree, 36 Goodwin Avenue, paving, appropriation, 215 contract, 390, 4.10 Goodwine, G., appointment, 281, 673 Goran, J. R.} certificate, 910 Gorday, A., certificate, 253 Gordon, F. M., elected Treasurer, 146 Gordon, G., seed corn purchased, 152 Gordon, H, S., degree, 383 Gordon, Hazel A., degree, 36 Gordon, J. W., appointment, 344, 741 Gordon, M. L., certificate, 253 Gordon, 0. E., certificate, 910 Gordon, R.f awarded Wallace scholarship, 542 Gordon, R., Inc., bid, 476 contract, 495, 519 payment, 609 Gore, P. E., degree, 894 Gore, S. H., degree, 894 Gorton, Margaret H., degree, 894 Goscicki, Isabel S., degree, 903 Gosenput, A., degree, 56 Goscinski, S-, Jr., degree, 246 Goshgarian, G. A., certificate, 910 Goss, S., certificate, 790 Gotshalk, D. W., appointment, 291, 683 Gottlieb, A. M., degree, 34 Gottlieb, J. D., degree, 98 Gough, J. F., degree, 242 Gougler, Marcelline E., appointment, 327, Gourlay, A. J. A., certificate, 513 Gourley, Frances M., degree, 246 Gourley, Norma M., degree, 903 Governor, appropriation bill, 264 assignments from contingent fund, 49, 9°. 105, 126, 168, 179, '94* *95, 207, 215 biennial budget, proposal, 192 building needs, 95 coal, contracts, 151 purchase, approval required, 493 recommendation, 519 contracts requiring approval, 71, 596 Federal funds, additional, legislation, jpo General Assembly scholarship bill, 260 Library addition, request, 391 Gillesby, W. J., appointment, 377t 762 Gillespie, Eva M., decree, 437 Gillespie, C. M., certificate, 513 Gillespie, R. S., degree, 907 Gillett, Theresa W., appointment, 421, 550, 746 Gilliland, W. J., contract for instruction of, 52, 458 degree, 547 Gilman, G. E., certificate, 253 degree, 256 Oilman, W., degree, 438 Gilmore, Sylvia C* appointment, 374, 746, 9J7 degree, 13S Gingery, Jane N., degree, 136 Gingrich, F. F., appointment, 324, 399, 722 Ginsberg, M. M. t degree, 906 Ginsberg, S. H., degree, 896 Giovanelli, F. B., degree, 136, 544 fellowship, 640 scholarship, 198 Gitelson, M-, appointment, 372, 757 Gjelsness, R. H., appointment, 105, 109 Gladden, Mary L., degree, 246 Glascock, J. H., degree, 241 Glascock, Juanita, degree, 246 Glaser, E. J., degree, 255 Glass, greenhouses, insurance, 370 Glass, D. B., appointment, 550, 678 Glasser, J., appointment, 256 degree, 435 Glassman, J. A., certificate, 253 Classman, M. M., degree, 252 Glassware, pyrex, purchase, 27, 97, 171, 457, 478, 539, 769 Glavis, F. J., appointment, 917 Glazer, H., degree, 894 Gleeson, Sister Mary N., degree, 252 Gleiser, Mary, appointment, 571 Glenn, L. L,, bid, 409 Glenn, Marguerite J., appointment, 335, 733 Glenn, R. W., degree, 383 Glenn, S. E., appointment, 106, 287* 560, 680 Glenn, Vivian, appointment, 421, 670 Glickman, N., appointment, 466 Globe Coal Co., bid, 408 Globerson, I., certificate, 253 Gloss, R. C, degree, 907 Glotfelty, Mrs. Irene, appointment, 303 Glover, Anna C, appointment, 310, 319, 703, 713. 714 sick leave, 20 Glowacki, S. F., degree, 248 Gloyd, Neva P., degree, 414 Glynn, R, J., certificate, 394 Goatley, Gertrude, appointment, 277, 670 Gobble, H. C, degree, 434 Goble, Elizabeth F., degree, 903 Goble, G. W., appointment, n o , 325, 561, 733 Goddard, Eleanor B., degree, 243 Goedde, A. M., degree, 547 Goeke, W. D., degree, 245 Goff, J. A., appointment, 302, 695 Goggin, E. J., degree, 254, 911 Goggin, Edna M., appointment, 292, 685 Goin, Isabel, degree, 902 Goin, Juanita, degree, 894 Golan, E. A., degree, 250 Goldbeck, M., Jr., degree, 897 Goldberg, A., degree, 911 Goldberg, A. L., certificate, 253 Goldberg, B., appointment, 373, 758 Goldberg, H., certificate, 20 Goldberg, J., certificate, 790 j Goldberg, L., appointment, 336, 733 Goldberg, P. T., degree, 911 Goldberg, W. J., degree, 894 Goldberger, S. M., appointment, 376, 761 Goldfine, M., certificate, 253 Goldin, A. A., degree, 139 Goldman, M- S., appointment, 107, 287, 560, 680
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