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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gibbs, P. W., degree, 899 Ciiblin, Mary A., degree, 246 Gibson, C. B., gift, 131, 461, 480 Gibson, Dorothy E., scholarship, 197 Gibson, G. G., degree, 245 Gibson, G. L., appointment, 421 degree, 55 Gibson, Genevra, appointment, 571 Gibson, H. H., degree, 250 Gibson, H. L., degree, 244 Gieseking, J. £., appointment, 14, 313, 706 leave of absence, 161 Giffin, R. R., Jr., degree, 903 scholarship, 640 Gift funds, budget, Agriculture, 309, 702 Commerce, 295, 687 Engineering, 300, 693 estimated income, 270, 662 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 283, 675 Medicine, 333. 73* Physical Plant Department, 351, 748 summary, 273, 355, 665, 752 Gifts, Abbott Laboratories, 381 Abrahamson, C. A., 520 Allerton, R., 186, 636 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 52 American Association for Advancement of Science, 133 American Council of Learned Societies, 541 American Dry Milk Institute, 224 American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, 461 American Medical Association, 82, 883 American Otological Society, 52, 224 American Society for Hard of Hearing, 521 American Society of Civil Engineers, 82 anonymous, 884 Arnold, L., 521 Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, 224, 520, 884 Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, Illinois Department, 82 Beard, J. H., 31 Brown, Mrs. A. A., 133 Burroughs-Wellcome Company, 381 Chemical Foundation, 172 Chester, J. N., 72, 480 Chicago Board of Trade, 31 Chicago Illinae Club, 461 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 132 Chicago Woman's Club, 186 Chinese students, 53 Chrysler Corporation, 133 Clark, Mrs. Alice V. B., 541 Class of 1934, 381 Class of 1935, 381 Medicine, 521 Class of 1938, 381 Continental Oil Company, 31, 225 Crerar Library, 520, 541 Davis, F. A., Company, 520 Dow Chemical Company, 541 DuPont de Nemours, E. I,, Company, 72, 541, 636, 884 Electrical Engineering Society, 82, 381, 636 Federal Cartridge Corporation, 381 Frazer, Mrs. G. E., 216 Freshman Frolic, 381 Frick Company, Inc., 636 Frigidaire Corporation, 381 Fuller, H. J., 381 General Electric Company, 224, 493, 884 Geological Society of America, 541 Gibson, C. B., 133, 461, 480 G.A.R., Colonel Nodine Post, 461 Haering, D. W., 186 Harker, O. A., 30, 460 Hartman, Mrs. Jennie, 461 Hess, J. H. ( 521 Hibbard, Mrs. W. G., 31 Hirsch, E. W., 521 Illini Publishing Company, 381 959 Gifts, cont'd. Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, 480 Illinois Society of Engineers, 541 Interfraternity Council, 381 International Cellucotton Products Company, 82, 884 Kappa Delta Pi, 225, 566 Kinley, D., 186, 461, 392 LeCount, E. R., 520 Lederer, F. L., 520 Levinson, S. A., 521 Levis, W. E., 881 Library School Alumni Association, 567 Lilly, E., and Company, 82, 884 Louisiana State University, 186 McBurney, C. E.f 186 MacFate, R. P., 521 Macy, J., Jr., Foundation, 52, 461 Mayer, O. F., 381 Mead Johnson and Company, 31, 53, 493, 884 Michigan State Library, 186 Modine Manufacturing Company, 186 National Research Council, 133 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, 225, S84 Nutrition Research Laboratories, Inc., 520 Ozone Pure Airifier Company, 31 Petersen, W. F., 520, 567 Phenolphthalein Research, Inc., 133, 479 Plot2, Ella S., Foundation, 493 Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Corporation, 53. 461 Public Works of Art Project, Chicago, 480 Pusey. W. A., 521 Real Cooperative Company, 882 Reynolds Electric Company, 494 Robertson, W. S., 520 Rockefeller Foundation, 52, 216, 567, 636, 883 Sangamo Electric Company, 493 Schnitzer, T., Memorial Foundation, 567 Seed, L., 521 Senate Committee on Unemployment and Relief, 72 Senior Informal, 381 Sharp, Katherine L-, scholarship maintenance, 567 Smith, P. W. f 521 Solvay Process Company, 541 Standard Brands, Incorporated, 53, 72, 461, 884 Stanford, R. F-, 186 statutes, 597, 602 Stevens, Mrs. F. L., 53, 381 Student Activities Fund of the University High School, 566 Student Alumni Association, 381 Student Friendship Fund, 520 Summer Session Entertainment Committee, 381 Textile Foundation, 461 University of Illinois Library School Association, 152 _ Urbana Association of Commerce, 461 Visscher, M. B., 521 Wander Company, 520 Wang, C. C, 53 Western Electric Company, 82 Winston, H., 636 Woman's Athletic Association, 520 See also Bequests. Gilbert, Jane S., degree, 903 Gilbert, Lois M., degree, 246 Gilbert, N. C, gift, 883 Gilbert, S. S.? degree, 98 Gilchrist, Dons D., degree, 136 Giles, R. H., degree, 243 Gilkerson, G. N., degree, 250 Gilkerson, T. M., degree, 246 Gill, H. L., appointment, 330, 727 Gill, J. S., degree, 903 Gilleran, L. R., Jr., certificate, 790
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