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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Degrees, cont'd. statutes, President's authority to confer, 575 Senate s authority to determine requirements, 576 DeHart, C. N., degree, 245 Dehl, K. C, degree, 412 Deitz, V., appointment, 40, 642 DeKalb, agronomy experiment field, lease, 492 DeLano, P. J., appointment, 377, 762 DeLargy, P. L., appointment, 107, 291, 683 Deliere, Whilma A., degree, 903 Del!, G. H., appointment, 301, 694 De Long, Alice M., degree, 56 DeLong, C. C, appointment, 276, 282, 668, 674 authority to sign name of President of Board, 406, 611 DeLong, E. E., degree, 383 Delta Phi, bonds matured, 71 Delves, R. L., degree, 136 Demming, L. F., appointment, 109, 328, 385, 562, 725 Demorest, J. R., degree, 546 Dempsey, E. J., degree, 56 Demski, C, degree, 34 Den, H. H., degree, 543 Denenholz, L., degree, 139 Denhart, Dorothy M., appointment, 286, 306, 678, 699 Denise, Cornise M., degree, 54 Denison, Betty, degree, 37 Denneman, W. F., appointment, 740 Dennis, F. L., appointment, 290, 683 Dennison, Gayle A., degree, 37 Denny, Velma A., degree, 246 Denoon, C. E,, Jr., appointment, 419, 678, 916 Densmore, Beatrice A., degree, 544 Dent, Mrs. Beulah M,, appointment, 303, 696 Dental Building, booths, lease, 29, 378 disposal, 116 insurance, 211, 638, 659 site, use as park, 80 Dental History, See Medical and Dental History. Dental Illustration, budget, 342, 739 Sec also Medical and Dental Illustration. Dental Laboratory Building, proposed, 73 Dental Pathology and Therapeutics, budget, expense, 342> 739 salary, 344, 739 Dental supplies, purchase, 457 Dental supply room, revolving account, 753 Dentistry, College of, admission requirements, transfer, 793 alumni association, merger, 536 budget, 342, 739 coal, contract, 635 purchase, 493, 519 degrees conferred, list, 58, .254, 547, 911 summary, 230, 886 fees, part-time students, 371 summer session, graduate work, 567 tuition, 658 laboratory building, repairs, 25 library, budget, expense, 347) 744 salary, 350, 747 needs, 81 physical education, 477 recreational facilities, 537 appropriation, 779 research work, cooperation with Mooseheart School, 763 sales and services, estimated income, 270, 662 supplies, purchase, 457 supply store, authority to establish, 378 Denton, Alma L., degree, 53 949 Departments, statutes, 578, 579 equipment, 599, 601 heads, Senate members, 576 land, assignments, 601 purchases, procedure, 594 Depler, J. L., degree, 897 Deposit funds, budget, 356, 753 Deposits, regulations, general, 629 military, 630 Depp, W. A., degree, 900 scholarship, 655 Deppen, Jesza M., degree, 37 Dermatology, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 335, 732 clinical faculty, 373, 758 Derr, P. H., appointment, 109 Derrough, C. E., appointment, 303, 695 Derrough, R. M., degree, 898 DeTrana, G. E., appointment, 374, 759 Detrich, A. C, degree, 240 Detroit Edison Co., bonds purchased, 80 Detroit Railway Department, bonds purchased, 565 Detroit Water Department, bonds, 537, 565 DeTurk, E. E., appointment, 313, 706 Deuss, H. O., appointment, 336, 734 Deutch, Esther A., degree, 907 Deuth, M. J., appointment, 916 Deutsch, H. L., degree, 438 Deutsch, N. S., certificate, 253 Devlin, Leianna* degree, 56 Dewell, Frances E., degree, 251 Dewey, W. F., degree, 240 DeWitt, L. V., degree, 905 DeWitt County, prairie remnant, lease, 172 DeWolf, F. W., appointment, 288, 681 Dexigraph equipment, rental, 459 Dexter, R. W., appointment, 13, 293, 686, 916 Dexter Electric Company, bid, 646 Diachun, S., appointment, 13, 284, 558, 676 degree, 435 , Diagnosis, Medicine, appropriation, laboratory materials and equipment, 48 Dial, W. R., fellowship, 771 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 337, 737 Diamond, S. A., certificate, 910 Dickens, Helen O., degree, 34 Dickenson, G., degree, 903 Dickinson, B. S., appointment, 294, 687 Dickinson, C. A., degree, 34 Dickinson, F. G., appointment, 296, 689 leave of absence, 53s cancellation, 655 Dickson, S. W., degree, 237, 889 Dietrich, J. H., degree, 136 Dietz, F. C, appointment, 107, 289, 561, 682 DiGilio, Maria R., degree, 139 Dillavouj E. R., appointment, 295, 559, 688 Dille, Virginia E., degree, 898 Dillman, L. M., degree, 383 Dillow, K. C, degree, 543 fellowship, 771 Dillsaver, J. E., degree, 38 Dilworth, Mary L., scholarship, 639 Dimond, L. E., degree, 545 Diplomas, President's authority to issue, 575 purchase, 97, 151, 492 Dippold, D. S., degree, 900 Directors of schools, statutes, 578 approval required on student loans, 597 Council members, 576 Senate members, 576 Discipline, students, statutes, 576 Discoveries, See Patents. Diseases, alimentary tract, investigation, budget, 333 resistance, genetic study, fund, 404 Disk motor, gift, 494 Dismukes, W. P., appointment, 292, 685 degree, 888
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