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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

950 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Douthit, Mrs. Dorine, declination, 17 Dover, Marvine P., degree, 137 Dow Chemical Company, fellowship, award, 771 budget, 753 gift, 54i Downs, W. B,, appointment, 344, 742 Doyle, Katherine, resignation, 17 Doyle, Marie, appointment, 332, 729 Drabanski, J. S., appointment, 385, 763, 772 Draffin, J. O., appointment, 305, 697 Dragoo, Jean E., degree, 250 Drainage, Saline Branch, assessment, 95 appropriation, 179 balance reappropriated, 208 Drake, L. R., appointment, 419 fellowship, 639 Drake, Marion E., degree, 241 Draper, A. S., biography, 139 gift, 133 Draper, E. L., appreciation, 139 Drawing, See General Engineering Drawing. Drebin, B. V., certificate, 513 Drennan, P., appointment, 354, 751 Drexler, M., degree, 139 Drexler, R. V., appointment, 284, 549, 676 degree, 544 Drexler, S., degree, 139 Dreyer, I., appointment, 374, 759, 760 Dries, A. F., degree, 907 Driss, L., degree, 240 Drives, campus, naming, statutes, 598 paving, appropriation, 207, 215, 357 contract, 390 Droba, H. J., appointment, 343, 741 Drug Room, budget, 341, 738 revolving account, 356, 753 Drugs, investigation, 494 Dubofsky, S. H., certificate, 253 Dubsky, F. H., degree, 900 Duderstadt, P. A., degree, 255 Dueker, F. E. L., degree, 897 Duffield, T. A., degree, 907 Duffin, R. J., appoinment, 304 degree, 332 Duffle, A. S., degree, 245 Duffner, J. T., degree, 903 Duffy, F. J., degree, 544 Duffy, Mary A., appointment, 13 declination, 17 Dufresne, J. A., degree, 241 Duggleby, Esther I., appointment, 40, 348 declination, 415 DuHamel, H. S., degree, 340 Duis, W. H., degree, 235 Dukes, W. W., degree, 900 Dulin, T. J., degree, 547 Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., contract, 171 services in collecting accounts, 154 Dunbar, Louise B., appointment, 107, 290, 682 leave of absence, 535 Dunbar, Viola R., degree, 237 Duncan, B., degree, 237 Duncan, C. A. G., degree, 902 Duncan, Dorothy, appointment, 326, 723 Duncan, Katherine, degree, 547 Duncan, N. R., degree, 898 Duncan, P. G., degree, 239 Duncan, R. A., degree, 899 Dungan, G. H., appointment, 313, 319, 706, 713 Dunham, C. A., Company, heating pump purchased, 769 Dunham, C. F., certificate, 394 degree, 133 Dunham, Honna M-, degree, 902 Dunham, R. F., degree, 241 Dunkin, P. S., appointment, 348, 549, 746 degree, 251 Dunlap, Ethel M., degree, 903 Dunlap, Fanny, appointment, 325, 349, 722, 746 Disosway, M. D., Jr., degree, 900 Dispensary, admission fee, 658 budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 335, 733 reorganization, 360 Ditkowsky, S. I., appointment, 374, 759 Ditkowsky, S. P., degree, 252 Dittmann, L. W., degree, 900 Dittmar, G. W., appointment, 345, 742 Divane Bros., bid, 476 contract, 495, 635 payment, 609 Division of Highways, receipts, regulation, 364 Dix, A. C, degree, 436 Dixon, D. F., contract for instruction of, 52 Dixon, D. W., degree, 898 Dixon, L. A., degree, 244 Dixon, P. R., appointment, 155, 419, 727 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, cropping agreement, 879 memorandum, 4 Dixon State Hospital, receipts, regulation, Doak, J., appointment, 353, 75° salary, 782 Dobberman, M. R., appointment, 327, 724 Dobbie, J. M., appointment, 290, 683 Dobin, N., certificate, 253 Dobrinic, M. P., degree, 9°3 Dobry, L. F., appointment, 13, 62, 155 degree, 231 Dobyns, F. P., degree, 898 Dodd, H. W.. degree, 249 Dodge, A. F., appointment, 299, 560, 692 Dodge, C. H., degree, 232 Dodge, J. L., degree, 244 Dohm, Mary E., degree, 903 Dolan, Maude M., degree, 436 Dolan, P. T., Jr., degree, 909 Dolan, T, J., appointment, 305, 698 Do land, J. J., appointment, 301, 694 Dolch, E. W., appointment, 109, 298, 560, 691 Dolk, L. C, appointment, 288, 680, 465 Dollahan, H. A., degree, 53 Dollahon, V. C, degree, 55 Domm, S. E., degree, 234 scholarship, 17 Donahue, Mary, appointment, 736 Donaldson, Catherine A., degree, 412 Donaldson & Fairhall Co., bid, 408 Doneghue, M. E., degree, 546 Donica, Josephine D., degree, 136 Donnell, Mary A., degree, 907 Donnelley, R. R., and Sons Company, soil survey maps purchased, 170, 176 Donoghue, E. R., degree, 909 Donovan, C. V., appointment, 108, 327, 558, 724 Donovan, Marguerite A., degree, 237 Donovick, S. E. R., appointment, 916 Doob, J. L., appointment, 290, 683 Dorko, J, J., Jr., degree, 903 Dorman, H, P., appointment, 374, 759 Dorman, W. M., degree, 237 Dornaus, W. L., degree, 546 Dorner, H. B., appointment, 318, 712 Dorrell, Mrs. Isabel C, appointment, 336, 733 Dorris, V. M., degree, 909 Dorsey, C. K., degree, 892 Dorsey, M. J., appointment, 318, 712 Dorton, H. E., certificate, 910 Doster, Agnes M., appointment, 465, 549, Dotterrer, W. D., member of advisory committee, 472 Doty, J. R., appointment, 40 Douglas, I. E., appointment, 303, 696 Douglas, R., seed corn purchased, 97 Douglass, R. B., degree, 436 Douglass, T. J., degree, 135 711
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