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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

948 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Declinations, cont'd. Lowry, W. M., 416 Ludlow, H. G., 771 Luetzelschwab, E. J., 641 Lukas, G. E., 416 McDonald, C. A., 913 McNamara, Mrs. Susan D., 913 Marable, Mrs. Mary H., 641 Marmer, Dina R., 641 Meadows, Gale K., 384 Meibohm, E. P. H., 641 Metz, A. R., 45 Minor, A. B., 201 Montgomery, Allegra C, 201 Moore, F., 17 Moore, J. F., 416 Morgan, R. W., 45 Morse, Mrs. Dorothy W., 416 Norton, E. A., 416 Park, O., 17 Patelski, R. A., 17 Powell, Mary L., 416 Pratt, I., 201 Puhan, A., 201 Purdy, Mrs. Doris B., 416 Rahn, H., 17 Ramsey, t. A., 913 Randall, J. R., 913 Rapp, A., 416 Reed, G. H., 201 Ricketts, E. F., 641 Rowe, C. G., 913 Rowe, Mary J., 771 Russell, Mrs. Lucile B., 416 Sawyer, L. E., 416 Scheeline, H. W., 201 Scherer, A. C. F., 914 Schwartz, M. Frances, 45 Shelden, F. F., 641 Silverman, I., 771 Smith, Janice M., 17 Steinmeyer, H. P., 45 Stone, F. D., 142 Stott, L. H., 416 Stults, Mary C, 914 Stuttle, Dorothy E., 914 Thornburgn, Mary V., 914 Townsend, Susan, 914 Trackett, Mary C. F., 202 Vollbrecht, J. D., 45 Wadsworth, H. V., 463 Wall, J. W., 45 Webster, G. L., 416 Williams, D. C, 202 Williams, L. F., 641 Young, Mrs. Marion B., 482 See also Resignations. Deeds of gift, Kinley memorial fellowship, 392 status, Finance Committee to report annually, 394 Deel, Helen, declination, 44 fellowship, 44 Deem, W. C., appointment, 304, 697 Deere, Harriet, appointment, 99, 335, 732 Deere, Lora L., appointment, 13 Deere, Mabel, appointment, 310, 319, 465, 703, 713. 714 leave 01 absence, 207, 788 Deering, J. K-, Coal Mining Co., bid., 408 Definbaugh, C. C, appointment, 352, 749 Degrees, authority to confer, 196, 575, 646 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education, 204 conferred, list, 35, 53, 133, 229, 411, 433, 542, 886 Doctor of Medicine, 34, 98, 383, 521 summary, 230, 885 Music Education, established, 790 professional, engineering, fee, 22 Public School Music, name changed, 790 requirements, See Graduation. Decatur Paper House, bid, 477 Decker, R. T., degree, 35 Decker, S. W., appointment, 311, 320, 704, Declinations of appointments, Allen, R. E., 415 Alsip, Janet, 771 Andrews, J. B., 415 Aries, L. J., 85, 415 Ault, Betty G., 771 Bachimont, O. G., 415 Baker, Mrs. Mildred B., 913 Baker, W. J., 201 Balamuth, W., 201 Ball, Bessie M., 415 Bird, M. T., 44 Brainard, Bertha B., 415 Brandt, W. H., 17 Brawner, J. P., 41S Burastead, C. H., 913 Carey, G. L., 44 Catterall, J. L., 913 Chapman, D. E., 415 Childs, Alice, 913 Cohee, G. V., 913 Cohen, C, 44 Cooley, Mrs. Bertha H., 415 Costley, R. J., 913 Covode, W. M., 463 Czaja, Z. G., 415 Damisch, H. R., 913 Darling, B. T., 913 Dawson, S. F., 415 Deel, Helen, 44 Douthit, Mrs. Dorine, 17 Duffy, Mary A., 17 Duggleby, Esther I„ 415 Dunnington, G. W., 415 Dvorak, R. F., 17 Ellies, Matilde, 17 Elwood, E. M., 415 Ettinger, A. C, 384 Everett, Verna L., 415 Ewing, D. H-, 201 Fantus, B., 41s Favreau, A. R., 415 Field, E. E., 41S Fielder, Jean M., 17 Firke, Mrs. Ethelyn, 17 Flynn, Laura M., 41s Folz, Mrs. Carolyn A., 415 Frese, W. F., 415 Gaa, C. J., 013 Gauch, H. G., 415 Green, P. M., 415 Grigsby, Martha E., 771 Gustin, Jessie M., 45 Hartsook, J. H., 913 Hedsted, D. M., 771 Helfrich, L. S., 416 Hieronymus, R. C., 641 Hofstadter, R., 201 Holloway, F. A. L., 201 Howard, F. C, 913 Huckett, Ruth, 45 Hudson, P. G., 641 Hunter, Natalie E., 201 Hurt, B. R., 913 ackson, Ellen P., 913 acobs, Sarah I., 17 ones, Mildred E., 913 Kaar, Frances L., 416 Kalmanson, G. M., 913 Kane, A. C-, 17 Keyes, D. B., 771 Kitzinger, Angela M., 17 Kronenberg, M. H., 416, 913 Lackner, J. E., 463 Lander, D. S., 416 Leonard, P. T. P., 4S Locklin, D, P., 201 Longbrake, Mary E., 201
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