UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 950]

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Dale, Dorothy D., degree, 246 Dalitsch, W. W., appointment, 334, 336, 734 Dalrymple, F. K., degree, 244 Dalton, C. C, degree, 251 Dalton, C. E., appointment, 286, 678 Daly, L. W., degree, 887 fellowship, 107 Damisch, H. R., appointment, 419, 465, declination, 013 Damit, C, degree, 56 Damitz, K., degree, 900 Damron, R. W., degree, 53 Damschroeder, R. E., appointment, 62, 677 Danahy, T. D., degree, 905 Dancey, Helen L., degree, 902 Dancey, Jessie F., degree, 412 Danely, J. W., degree, 237 Danford, M. D., degree, 240 Daniels, A. H., appointment, 276, 291, 683 Daniels, Helen D., degree, 903 Danielson, W. F., degree, 893 Danish, A. A., degree, 255 Dankert, L. J., appointment, 916 Danley, Harriet I., degree, 237 Dann, F. A., appointment, 343, 740 Danner, E. C, appointment, 40, 123,








Dante, O., degree, 546 Dare, Ruby E., degree, 251 Darling, B. T., appointment, 304, 697 declination, 913 degree, 892 Darling, D. D., certificate, 910 Darling, R. P., appointment, 549 Oarnall, F. L., degree, 34 Darscheid, L. E„ degree, 413 Daugherty, Marie M., degree, 239 D?ume, H. B., degree, 899 Daut, Elizabeth A., degree, 241 Davenport, E., appointment, 309, 702 Davenport House, appropriation, improvements, 455 budget, 354, 752 Davey, Catherine, appointment, 310, 703 Davey, Esther, appointment, 562 degree, 251 David, M. W-, appointment, 419, 549 degree, 246 David, P., sick leave, 789 Davidson, E. W-, appointment, 288 Davidson, Frances A., degree, 906 Davidson, Margaret T., degree, 438 Davidson, O. D-, degree, 137 Davidson, T. C, degree, 893 D^vies, D. W., degree, 246 Davies, J. M., Jr., degree, 249 Davies, R. M., degree, 241 Davis, Catherine R., degree, 246 Davis, D, J,, appointment, 334. 338, 731, 735 present at meeting, 87, 94 Davis, Dorothy, degree, 906 Davis, Elinor T., degree, 436 Davis, Elva H., degree, 893 Davis, F. A., Company, gift, 520 Davis, G. D., degree, 888 Davis, Gwendolyn C, degree, 246 Davis, H. L., appointment, 345, 743 Davis, H. M., degree, 546 Davis, H. S., degree, 412 Davis, J., appointment, 352, 749 Davis, J. E., appointment, 465, 716 Davis, J. W., degree, 248 Davis, Lois E., degree, 893 Davis, Melva J., degree, 246 Davis, R. L., appointment, 291, 684 Davis, Ruth A., degree, 248 Davis, S. W,, certificate, 394 Davis, W. H,, degree, 57 Davis Construction Co., bid, 476

Davison, Dorothy, appointment, 334 resignation, 415 Davison, R. M., appointment, 377, 762 Davitt, P.. degree, 242 Dawson, C. B., degree, 893 Dawson, D. M., degree, 249 Dawson, H. S., appointment, 283, 522, 675 degree, 547 Dawson, Jewel R., degree, 249 Dawson, Marion M., degree, 237 Dawson, R. F., appointment, 284 declination, 415 Dawson, W. M., appointment, 314 resignation, 773 Day, J. F., degree, 237 Day, Shirley W., degree, 237 Day, W. B., appointment, 345, 742 Dayton, Clara J., degree, 893 Deal, Alice I., degree, 893 Deam, A. F., appointment, 326, 724 Dean, Martha, degree, 414 Dean, R. R., degree, 907 Dean, VV. A., degree, 249 Dean Electric Construction Company, bid, 476 Dean of Men, appropriation, special, 214 budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 279, 671 statutes, 581 approval required on student loans, 597 Senate member, 576 student loans, approval required, 188 Dean of Women, budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 279, 671 statutes, 581 approval required on student loans, 597 residence hall supervision, 595 Senate member, 576 student loans, approval required, 188 Deans of colleges, statutes, 577 approval required on student loans, 597 Council members, 576 reports, 589 Senate members, 575 senior dean to act as President in absence of Provost, 575 Dearborn Electric Construction Co., bid, 476 Deardorff, F. B., appointment, 337, 734 degree, 383 Dearing, Mary J., degree, 902 Dearlove, G. D., degree, 897 Death benefits, Aden, H., 519 Bruner, Mrs. Elizabeth R., 879 budget, 275, 667 Engle, W. J., 519 financing, 122, 451 Gramesly, Margaret A., 25 2 Hamilton, Mrs. Alice V-, 49 Johnson, F. T., 25 Tones, M. E., 492 Ketchum, M. S., 104 Lepak, J., 225 Lundgren, C. L., 25 Mclntire, W. A,, 879 Newton, J. R., 104 Ross, V. A., 456 statutes, 585 Stevens, F, L-, 25 system, report, 538 Van Derbeeck, H, J., 456 Williams, S., 540 Deatherage, F. E., Jr., appointment, 465 resignation, 463 scholarship, 197 DeAtley, E. N., bid, 86, 169, 626 DeBeck, Fern, appointment, 349. 747 Debeiak, W. F., degree, 898 Debenham, W. S., degree, 437 De Boer, Cora E., degree, .236 DeBoer, Jesse, degree, 434 DeBolt, P. W., certificate, 153 DeBourcy, H. C, degree, 383