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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

940 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Charters, W. W., survey of budget, 122 report, 158 total expenses, 214 Chase, C. B., degree, 898 Chase, D. W., degree, 437 Chase, Mary L., appointment, 323, 482, 718 Chase, R. H., degree, 545 Chauffeurs, regulations, 600 Chauvet, F., appointment, 373, 758 Chellberg, Alice M-, degree, 898 Chemical balances, gift, 133. Chemical engineering, admission, languages required, 163 expendable gift funds, 300, 693 Chemical Foundation, fellowships, fund, budget, 355, 752 gift, 172 Chemical manufactures, organic, revolving account, 356, 753 Chemical Stores, purchases, acids, 223, 794 apparatus, 28 chemicals, 28, 457» 539 glassware, 27, 97, 171, 457* 478, 539, 769 revolving account, 356, 753 Chemicals, purchase, 28, 457, 539 Chemistry, admission, languages required, 163 budget, expense, 283, 675 Pharmacy, 272, 664 salary, 284, 676 adjustments, 509, 612 Pharmacy, 345, 743 summer session, 106, 559 Carr fellowship, fund, budget, 355, 752 expendable gift funds, budget, 283, 675 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 198, 382, 639, 640, 771 fellowships, budget, 355, 752 gifts, amino acid research, 31 chemical balances, 133 fellowships, 172, 225, 541, 636 research assistantships, 53, 461, 541 laboratory fees, 226, 532, 766 lead acid cells, investigation, 365, 457 purchases, chemicals, 28, 457, 539 electric refrigerators, 390 pyrex laboratory glassware, 27, 97, 171, 457, 478, 539. 769 spectrograph, 27 testing, revolving account, 356, 753 Chemistry and Soils, Bureau of, soybean laboratory, establishment, 632 Chemistry Building, fire hazards, 131 insurance, .211 appropriation, 370, 410 bids, 409 contract, 410 night watchmen, 131, 167 repairs, 367 Chen, F. H., degree, 891 Chen, K., degree, 135 Chen, R. C, degree, 234 Cheney, Nadine E., degree, 902 Chenoweth, R. W., degree, 135 Chensky, Estelle M., degree, 246 Chern, B. V., degree, 34 Chescoe, H. V-, degree, 38 Chesney, H. D., degree, 241 Chester, C. A., degree, 437 Chester, J". N., director of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 gifts, 72, 480 Chester, Margaret, appointment, 142, 418, 642 Chiaramonte, A, C, degree, 255 Chibucos, C. W-, degree, 237 Chicago, University of, leasing of property, 158, 188, 37* Chicago Board of Education, bonds purchased, 158, 176, 462 Chicago Board of Trade, agricultural scholarships, fund, budget, 355, 752 gift, 31 Cavins, E. W., degree, 896 Cawley, M. H., certificate, 789 Cawood, J. W., degree, 896 Cawthorne, H. J., appointment, 336, 758 degree, 34 Cecil, J. G., certificate, 910 Cell, J. W., appointment, 107 degree, 232 Celotex Corporation, bid, 780 contract, 779 Cement, purchase, 51, 634 Central Illinois Light Company, bonds, 80, 626, 796 Central Scientific Company, chemicals purchased, 539 # Central States Electric Construction Co., bid, 476 Century of Progress, exhibits, disposal, 60 Ceramic Engineering, advisory committee, 78 budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 301, 694 expendable gift fund, 693 laboratory fees, 226, 766 Ceramics Building, elevator repairs, contract, 27, 30 Cerelose, investigation, 225, 368, 533 budget, 702 Cerf, F. D., Jr., degree, 237 Certificates, Medicine, list, 58, 139, 253, 438, summary, 230, 886 requirements, Senate's authority, 576 Certified Public Accountant, certificates, award, 20, 153, 394, Si3> 7 8 9 revocation, 170, 182 Certified Public Accountant Fund, See Accountancy Fund. Cerutti, J., degree, 897 Chabner, L., certificate, 253 Chadnowsky, S., degree, 255 Chairmen of departments, statutes, 578 Senate members, 576 Challacombe, C. N., appointment, 304 Chamberlain, Iris M., appointment, 376, 761 Chamberlain, Margaret E., degree, 414 Chamberlin, Margaret L., degree, 237 Chamberlin, Doris, degree, 902 Chamberlin, E. C, Jr., degree, 900 Chamberlin, M. H., degree f 240 Chambers, Evelyn C., appointment, 916 degree, 902 Champaign Builders Supply Co., cement purchased, s 1 Champaign County Live Stock Marketing Association, steers purchased, 28 Champaign High School, teachers supervising practice teaching, 21 Champion, R. L., degree, 246, 889 Chandler, F. A., certificate, 153 Chandler, Mary E., degree, 903 Chandler, Mary J., degree, 237 Changnon, Pauline E., appointment, 299, 691 Chanler, Josephine H., appointment, 40, 61, 142, 290, 683 Chapin, J, H,, appointment, 286, 678 Chapin, Margaret M., degree, 893 Chapin, Mildred R., scholarship, 198 Chapman, B. M., degree, 252 Chapman, D. E., appointment, 418 declination, 415 Chapman, Mrs. Esther S., appointment, 707 Chapman, G. L., degree, 240 Chapman, L. C, degree, 234 Chapman, Ralph, certificate, 910 Chapman, Ralph, University of Illinois Foundation, director, 441 vice president, 441 Chapman and Cutler, services, appropriation, 877 Chaquette, L. T., degree, 137 Charbonnier, W. P., degree, 900 910
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