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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Campus, cont'd. streets and drives, paving, appropriation, 307, 215, 357 contract, 390 trimming trees, payment, 770 Canaday, R. C, degree, 899 Cancellation of appointment, Bonne!!, E., 415 Fox, N. H., 67 Frederick, Katherine, 384 Furby, R. L., 67 Graham, C. L., 45 Haas, R. R., Jr., 65 Hadden, S. B., 384 Halmos, P. R., 463 Hartlett, E. M., 67 Hornor, A. J., 384 Kaden, Vera, 384 Kluever. C, 384 Komarek, J., 463 Kuchlewski, E., 67 Langeborg, L., 463 Lebensart, Mrs. Ruth, 463 Leonhard, D. F-, 65 McKee, W. A., 482 Nelson, H. E., 384 Picco, J. J., 75 Roper, Margaret, 384 Ross, P. W., 482 Shroyer, Mary, 385 Sloan, L. H., 85 Tarvin, D.j 45 Van Adestine, Frances, 385 Withers, Bertha, 385 Canned foods, investigation, 793 Cannon, W. C., degree, 54 Canter, H. V., appointment, 106, 287, 560, Canterbury, M. D., degree, 57 Canton Stamping and Enameling Company, agreement, 407, 457 Caperton, Joan L., degree, 237 Capital City Paper Company, bid, 477 Capoot, L. J., degree, 241 Capper-Ketcham. Fund, budget, expense, 307, 700 939 revision, 399 salary, 324, 719 estimated income, 270, 662 Capron, H. S., balance due University, 480, 63 7 payments, 97, 160, 480, 637 settlement of account, extension, 369, 459 status of account, 121 Caps and gowns, appropriation, 140 budget, 275 contract, 151, 171, 518, 540 Card, L. E., appointment, 314, 707 Carder, Garnet, appointment, 142 Carey, C. M., appointment, 375, 760 Carey, G. L,, declination, 44 Carey, M. E., degree, 249 Carey, R. M., degree, 901 Carlin, G. W., degree, 436, 909 Carlisle, B., appointment, 352, 749 Carlson, A. E.» degree, 244 Carlson, Albert W., degree, 243 Carlson, Arthur W., degree, 241 Carlson, E. A., degree, 412 Carlson, Leo la M., degree, 896 Carlson, R. C. W., appointment, 561 Carlson, R. W., certificate, 789 Carman, A. P., appointment, 303, 696 Carman, Alice, appointment, 316, 418, 710 CartnL f). P . . deFf-ee. 8n* Carney, P. W., appointment, 915 Carney Coal Co., bid, 51 Caro, M. R., appointment, 335, 732 Carolus, D. S., degree, 898 Carpenter, K. E., degree, 903 Carpenter, P. D., appointment, 345, 743 degree, 256 Carpenter, Thelma D.f degree, 893 Carr, Katherine, appointment, 344, 742 Carr, R. F,, director of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 Carr fellowship in chemistry, award, 197, 640 fund, budget, 355, 752 Carrigan, Honora T., appointment, 335, 733 Carrison, D. A., degree, 241 Carroll, W. E., appointment, 314, 707 Carr tree planting fund, budget, 351, 748 Carruthers, G. A., degree, 901 Cars, See Trucks. Carson, Beula J., degree, 907 Carson, Dorothy J., degree, 237 Carson, George Walter, degree, 434 Carson, George William, degree, 243 Carson, L. W„, degree, 53 Carson-Payson Co., bid, 627, 785 Carter, B. G., appointment, 292, 685 Carter, C. W., degree, 897 Carter, E. P., degree, 901 scholarship, 640 Carter, H. E-, appointment, 106, 285, 559, 677 Carter, I. R., degree, 243 Carter, Jane E., appointment, 915 Carter, R. L., appointment, 341, 738 degree, 911 Carter, R. V., certificate, 253 Carter-Pennell farms, annual report, 222, 637, 798 buildings, fire insurance, 211 lease, 23, 459, 460 legal services, payment, 72 operation, fund, budget, 355, 752 report, 370 repairs, authority to make, 370 south, rent settlement, 166 visit of committee, 23 Carwell, J. W. t degree, 55 Car wheels, investigation, 166, 224, 520, 884 budget, 300, 693 Cary, R. C, appointment, 464, 678 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 302, 695 Cascino, J. P., certificate, 910 Case, H. C. M-, appointment, 310, 703 Case, R. M., degree, 250 Cash, J. G-, appointment, 316, 322, 709, 7^7 degree, 892 Caskey, W. F., degree, 543 Cansner, A. J., appointment, 631, 723 Casper, Mary M-, degree, 893 Cassady, Erma G., degree, 241 Cassell, M. L., Jr., degree, 249 Cassidy, E., appointment, 61, 123, 418, 549» 684 degree, 135 Cassidy, J, B,, degree, 412 Cassin, J. A., degree, 136 Cassity, C. R-, appointment, 916 Castings, purchase, 28 Castle, A. M., & Company, boiler tubes purchased, 634 Casto, Virginia D., degree, 546 Castor, J. W.» mortgage, renewal, 515 Catelani, A., degree, 548 Cathcart, Josephine L., degree, 246 C a t t e r a l l . T. L.. a n n o i n t m e n t - ATR. dm
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