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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
884 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 29 3. Mead Johnson & Company, $2,000 for the study of irradiated ergosterol. 4. International Cellucotton Company, $1,750 for a study on skin hygiene. 5. Standard Brands Company, $1,750 for research on the antiseptic properties of the skin. 6. An anonymous donor, $1,200 for the continuation of investigations of pressures exerted by granular materials in bins, which was started under a grant received in January, 1934, as reported to the Board on January 26, 1934 (Min utes, page 435). 7. National W a r m Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, $250 for warm air furnace research and summer cooling. (Previous actions of the Board of Trustees: June 6, 1933, and June 15, 1935). 8. General Electric Company, $200 to assist Dr. Geza de Takats in research in the field of vacuum and pressure therapy of vascular diseases. 9. Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, $60 for the continuation of the investigation on the heat resistance of car wheels. T h e following reductions have been made in the amounts of gifts previously reported, for the reasons indicated: Du Pont de Nemours Company Insecticide Evaluation Research discontinued $416 74 Eli Lilly and Company Research in Allergy. This item was reported as a separate gift, but it is a part payment of $1200 for research work on "serum proteins," accepted December 15, 1934 600 00 This report was received for record. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT CONCERNING BUDGET FOR 1 9 3 7 - 1 9 3 9 (45) A preliminary statement concerning the biennial budget for 1937-1939. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this report was received for record and for further study. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL DISEASES (46) T h e Joint Committee of the Department of Public Welfare and the College of Medicine on the Operation of the Research and Educational Hospitals has considered the possibilities of acquiring a building for use as an Institute for Social Diseases or Urological Institute. Two buildings are under consideration, viz.: (1) T h e Jewish Charities Building at Seldcn and Wood Streets; and (2) The Durand Hospital and the McCormick Institute for Infectious Diseases. Reports have been submitted by a special committee on the cost of purchasing, remodeling, and equipping each of these buildings for this purpose, and at the request of the Joint Committee the reports are being submitted to the Board of Trustees. This matter was referred to the Committee on Chicago Departments for consideration and report. REQUEST OF ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEES (47) A report of an inquiry received from the Illinois Association of Sanitary District Trustees concerning the progress of sewage research and plans for the future. T h e Association also indicated that it would renew its efforts to secure an increased appropriation for the extension of this work in accordance with the proposal presented to the Board of Trustees in 1935 when the University's budget for the present biennium was under consideration by the Legislature. Copies of the telegram received from the Association and the reply are herewith handed to the Secretary of the Board. T h i s report w a s received for r e c o r d .
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