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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 883 LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY CLUB SCHOLARSHIP (41) A report that the Lithuanian University Club of Chicago has announced that it will award a scholarship at the University of Illinois covering one year's tuition at the University for the academic year 1936-1937 to a student of Lithuanian descent who is a resident of Cook County, a member of the junior or senior class at the University (no graduate students will be eligible), who has a fair scholastic average, and who is in financial need. On motion of M r . Williams, this scholarship was accepted. GRANT FROM AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY (42) The American Philosophical Society, of Philadelphia, has offered P r o fessor E. A. Culler, of the Department of Psychology, a grant of $825 in support of his research work on the hearing of animals. The Society has a form of agreement, which it asks recipients of grants to sign, which includes among its provisions one that in the event of disability of the grantee the Society shall have the right to take over any of his unfinished work including manuscripts. There is also no provision in it concerning patentable discoveries, but it is unlikely that any patentable discoveries will arise from his research work. The American Philosophical Society is a scientific organization interested in the promotion of scientific knowledge and is not interested in any profits arising from scientific discoveries. Professor Culler will advise the Society that he will personally accept the grant under the terms stipulated, and that immediately upon receipt of the funds they will be turned over to the University with the request that they be accepted and disbursed solely for his research work, but that otherwise they will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Trustees relating to such trust funds. The Society's reputation is such that in my opinion there is no question concerning the advisability of accepting this grant under these conditions, and I so recommend. O n m o t i o n o f M r . W i l l i a m s , t h i s g r a n t w a s a c c e p t e d a s offered. GRANT FROM ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FOR PSYCHIATRY INSTRUCTION IN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (43) At the meeting of the Board on February 22, 1936 (Minutes, page 533), a report was presented of an offer from the Rockefeller Foundation of a grant of not to exceed $15,000 annually for three years from September 1, 1936, to increase the facilities for instruction in psychiatry in the College of Medicine as an educational experiment. T h e Board accepted this grant under certain conditions. T h e Foundation does not desire to have any formal contract, specifying terms and conditions, but prefers to make the grant with the understanding only that the funds shall be used in accordance with the general terms discussed in correspondence between the Dean of the College of Medicine and the Head of the Department of Neuropsychiatry, representing the University, and the Director of the Medical Sciences of the Foundation. These general terms do not conflict in any way with the Statutes and policy of the University; on the contrary, they permit a greater degree of freedom in carrying on the experiment. This grant has now been officially appropriated by the Rockefeller Foundation, and I recommend its acceptance under the general conditions specified above. On motion of M r s . F r e e m a n , this grant w a s accepted as recommended. REPORT OF GIFTS (44) T h e following report of gifts to the University: 1. Certain donors in Chicago, through Dr. N. C. Gilbert, $500 for lectures on legal medicine by Professor George Burgess Magrath, of Harvard. 2. T h e American Medical Association Committee on Scientific Research, $400 for the research work of Professor Isaac Schour, of the College of Dentistry, on the role of the parathyroids in calcium metabolism.
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