Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 88 5 LOAN OF TRUCK TO WHITE MOTOR COMPANY (48) A report that a White Model T B C Gunmount Truck, which is part of the equipment furnished by the W a r Department to the University for Military Training purposes, has been lent to the White Motor Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, the builders of the truck, for exhibit at the Great Lakes Exposition in Cleveland during the summer. This company has agreed to be responsible for this truck, and to return it in as good condition as when it leaves (the University, through its Military Department, to be the sole j u d g e ) . On motion of M r . Barrett, this action w a s approved. SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNIVERSITY (49) On March 2, 1943, will occur the seventy-fifth anniversary of the opening of the University. If any observance of that anniversary is to take place it is desirable that plans for it be under consideration for a few years prior thereto. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Board for any instructions which it may wish to give. This matter was referred to the Committee on General Policy for consideration and report. REQUEST OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH FOR SPACE (50) T w o requests from the State Department in the new Medical and Dental Building: (1) ological laboratories for certain of its public (2) space for laboratories for a new division of of Public Health for space space for offices and bacterihealth diagnostic work, and Industrial Hygiene. This matter was referred to the Committee on General Policy for consideration and report. TIME OF JULY MEETING On motion of Mr. Barrett, the Board voted to hold the July meeting at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, July 10, 1936. SECRETARY'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS The Secretary presented for record the following report of contracts executed by the President and the Secretary of the Board and deposited with the Secretary since the last report. Name Hatfield Electric Company Midwest Engineering & Equipment Co. Date May 18, 1936 May 18, 1936 Amount $2 987 00 $5 520 00 Purpose Electrical work, addition to Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory Air Conditioning Equipment to be installed in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory DEGREES CONFERRED IN J U N E , 1 9 3 6 T h e S e c r e t a r y p r e s e n t e d a l s o f o r r e c o r d t h e f o l l o w i n g list o f d e g r e e s conferred at the annual Commencement in June. SUMMARY OF DEGREES, J U N E , 1936 Degrees in the Graduate School, conferred at Urbana: Master of Arts Master of Science Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Engineer Physicist Doctor of Philosophy Total, Graduate School, Urbana 78 83 6 1 1 64 233