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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

738 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a y 27 Salary 600 1 288 (13 108) 600 $ 1 3 708 5. , Technician 6. Martha Cunningham, Senior Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 7. Wages Total, Roentgenology Surgery 1. W. H. Cole, Professor and H e a d of Department 2. C. H. Phifer, Professor 3. , Associate Professor 4. , Associate Professor 5. , Associate Professor 6. , Associate Professor 7. , Assistant Professor 8. , Assistant Professor (Payable $64 at end of each semester) 9. , Assistant Professor 10. , Assistant Professor 11. , Associate 12. W. A. Gustafson, Assistant and Senior Resident 13. J. T. Reynolds, Assistant and First Junior Resident 14. , Assistant and Second Junior R e s i d e n t . . . 15. M. L. Parker, Assistant (Payable $64 at end of each semester) 16. L. J. Rossiter, Technician (See Obstetrics and Gynecology (Total salary 17. Annabel Wheeler, Senior Typist (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 18. Wages Total, Surgery Neurology and Neurological Surgery 1. Eric Oldberg, Professor and Head of Department 2. , Resident 3. , Stenographer (C. S.) Total, Neurology and Neurological Surgery Medical and Dental I l l u s t r a t i o n T. S. Jones, Chief Artist and Associate Professor Marion L. Mason, Artist L. A. Toriello, Photographer Mrs. Nellie M. Frain, Artist in Dental Illustration (See Oral and Plastic Surgery and Oral Pathology) . . . Total, Medical and Dental Illustration Drag Room (Revolving Stores Account) 1. S. W. Morrison, Pharmacist (See Pharmacy (Total salary 2. R. L. Carter, Assistant Pharmacist DG50 H A $ 10 000 AG12 320 DG12 320 DG50 2 000 DG12 320 DG25 600 DG75 2 080 EG10 DG75 DG50 DG75 D D D EG10 DG50 DG50 1 1 1 1 128 800 500 720 ooo1 8001 6001 128 860 860) I 720) 1 396 (25 572) 766 $ 26 338 AG75 $ D 6 400 6oo' 1 200 $ 8 200 1. 2. 3. 4. DG75 $ 3 600 DG75 1 990 D 2 260 DG50 $ 1 450 9 300 DG50 $ DG50 D 1 1 3 1 680 680) 360) 360 'Plus maintenance (including room, board, and laundry) furnished by State Department of Public Welfare.
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