Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i936l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 739 Salary 1 000 1 000) 2 000) $ 4 040 3. W. R. Collins, Assistant Pharmacist (See Pharmacy (Total salary Total, Drug Room COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Summary DG50 DG50 Administration Contingent Fund Children's Clinic Dental Pathology and Therapeutics Histology Dental Illustration Infirmary Medical and Dental History Operative Dentistry Oral and Plastic Surgery and Oral Pathology Orthodontia Graduate Orthodontia Prosthetic Dentistry: Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures 8 898 Full Dentures and Removable Partial Dentures 12 249 Roentgenology 2 015 Total $107838 Administration Salaries Other and Wages Expense $14 908 $1 800 I 000 5 250 500 11 280 500 8355 600 2 575 10 644 9 500 925 10 708 250 13 594 500 2 894 400 6 118 2 500 500 500 I 250 $22375 Total $16 708 I 000 5 750 11 780 8955 2 575 20 144 925 10 958 14 094 3 294 8 618 9 398 12 749 3 265 $130213 1. F. B. Noyes, Dean Director of Children's Clinic Professor of Orthodontia and Head of Department.. 2. Mrs. Nell Snow Taibot, Assistant to the Dean (See Medical and Dental History (Total salary 3. Miriam R. Borg, Secretary to the Dean (Exempt) 4. Mildred Warren, Junior Stenographer (C. S.) 5. Lucille Ricketts, Junior Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 6. Wages Total, Administration. Children's Clinic 1. F. B. Noyes, Director (Salary under Administration) 2. Elsie Gerlach, Superintendent Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry 3. Beulah G. Nelson, Associate 4. Clarice L. Mesick, Assistant Total, Children's Clinic Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1. R. G. Kesel, Assistant Professor 2. E. C. Wach, Associate 3. M. K. Hine, Associate Salary Bl Df G50 $4 475 AI DG70 2 575 DG30 925) 3 5°o) D 1 800 1 260 1 060 (11 170) H 3 738 $ 14 908 D D $ 2710 D DG50 1 000 D I 540 $ 5 250 D $ DG50 D 3 500 1 450 2 500