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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

646 BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, MAY 1 6 , 1 9 3 6 [ M a y 27 The Secretary presented for record the minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the office of Edward E. Barrett, 1110 Wrigley Building, Chicago, Illinois at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, May 16, 1936. Those present were: Edward E. Barrett, who acted as Chairman, and Dr. Karl A. Meyer. Absent: O. M. Karraker. C. S. Havens, Director of the Physical Plant Department, and E. L, Stouffer, Assistant Supervising Architect, were also present. The meeting was held for the purpose of canvassing bids for the electrical wiring for the new Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory. Seven bids were received as follows: 1. Hatfield Electric Company, Indianapolis, I n d i a n a . . $2 987 00 2. H e n r y Newgard & Company 3 128 00 3. Dexter Electric Company 3 200 00 4. Fries-Walters 3 700 00 5. E. A. Koeneman Electric Company 3 749 00 6. Marrs-Tanner Electric Company 3 781 00 7. J. M. Bean Electric Company 435000 The bid of the Hatfield Electric Company, of Indianapolis, Indiana, in the amount of $2,987 was approved, and the Director of Physical Plant Department, Mr. Havens, was authorized to contract with the above Company for this work. There being no further business, the Executive Committee adjourned. EDWARD E. BARRETT, Acting Chairman K A R L A. O. M. MEYER KARRAKER MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT W I L L A R D The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. AUTHORITY TO CONFER DEGREES (1) A request for authority to confer degrees in June and in August on candidates who will be duly qualified for such and recommended by the University Senate at its meeting on June I, 1936. On motion of Mr. Mayer, authority was given as requested. ADVANCE GRANT FOR MEDICAL. A N D DENTAL B U I L D I N G PROJECT (2) A report of the receipt of $196,879.35 from the United States Government, representing an advance of the grant for the construction of the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building as a project of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public W o r k s . This has been deposited with the First National Bank of Chicago for the credit of this project, in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Fund Agreement executed by the Board of Trustees, the University of Illinois Foundation, and the First National Bank of Chicago, in connection with Project No. 1057 of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. Payments during March, April, and May $ 107 361 63 Estimated future payments: June 12 $ 52 287 83 July 12 8153040 August 12 170 957 65 September 12 210 060 00 October 12 209 990 04 November 12 175 012 23 December 12 137 759 13 January 12 105 458 42 February 12 108 318 09 Total estimated future payments $1 252 273 79 Grand Total $1 359 635 42
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