Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ig$6] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 637 SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM (42) At the meeting of the Board on May 6, 1935 (Minutes, page 185), a communication was presented from the Director of the School of Journalism suggesting that the name of the School of Journalism be changed to College of Journalism. This communication was received for consideration, and since no final action has been taken on it the proposal is still before the Board. The Director has renewed his suggestion, and presented herewith is his letter of April 8th, 1936, on this subject, a copy of which is hereby handed to the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this matter was held under advisement. PAYMENTS BY FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHAMPAIGN (43) T h e Comptroller reports the receipt of the following sums representing additional payments by the Trustees of the First National Bank of Champaign on accounts of the University or of its former Treasurer, Mr. H. S. Capron: $3 702 85 581 80 41 09 5 75 197 89 15 88 U 545 26 These sums represent the fifth ten per cent dividend paid by the Trustees. The balances remaining unliquidated after crediting these dividends are as follows: H. S. Capron, Treasurer $18 514 22 Business Office Petty Cash Fund 2 909 00 Creamery Petty Cash Fund 205 41 Stadium Fund 28 71 Senate Committee Loan Fund 989 54 U. of I. Military Bands 79 40 $22 726 28 H. S. Capron, Treasurer Business Office Petty Cash Fund Creamery Petty Cash Fund Stadium Fund Senate Committee Loan Fund Military Bands Revolving Fund This report was received for record. KUNZ PHOTOELECTRIC CELL LICENSE (44) The firm of Lippincott & Metcalf, Patent Attorneys, has asked on what terms and royalty the University would license the Kunz Photoelectric Cell ( U S . Patent No. 1,381,474) to its clients, Farnsworth Television, Incorporated. On motion of Mr. Barr, this matter was referred to the Committee on Patents for consideration and report. A N N U A L REPORT OF THE CARTER-PENNELL FARMS (45) The annual report on the operation of the two Carter-Pennell farms for the farm year ending February 29, 1936. In submitting this report the Dean of the College of Agriculture calls attention to certain improvements needed on both the North and South farms. I recommend that this report be referred to the Committee on Agriculture for consideration and for recommendation as to the improvements suggested. On motion of Mr. Barr, this report was referred to the Committee on Agriculture as recommended.