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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
T936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 631 RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR H. M. WESTERGAARD (22) A report of the resignation of Professor H. M. Westergaard, of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, effective September I, 1936. Professor Westergaard has accepted an appointment in the Graduate School of Engineering at H a r v a r d University. This report was received for record. RESIGNATION OF J. CRAIG RUBY (23) A report of the resignation of J. Craig Ruby, Associate in Physical Education for Men and Basketball Coach, effective at the end of the present academic year. The Director of the School of Physical Education recommends that he be given leave of absence with full pay from April I to August 31. He receives a part of his salary from the Athletic Association as Coach, and the remainder is paid him by the University for his services as Associate in Physical Education for Men. He has completed his work for the year, with the exception of one class, for which provision will be made without any expense to the University. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (24) A report that the following members of the staff have been given leave of absence for the purpose and period indicated in each case: Edith Muriel Poggi, Associate in Geography, with full pay from April 6 and continuing until the end of the semester, or until such prior time as she is able to return to her duties. This leave has been approved with the understanding that Miss Poggi and the Department will make arrangements to provide for her work during her absence. Marie Sorensen, University Registered Nurse in the Dispensary, four months' leave beginning May 15, 1936, without pay, to give her the rest she needs on account of the condition of her health. Hugh A. Brown, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, additional sick leave from March I to 7 with pa3'. Mrs. Irene J. Twomey, Assistant in Nutrition, sick leave from March 5 to 21, 1936, with pay. Harriet T. Barto, Assistant Professor of Dietetics, sick leave from March 2 to 24, with pay. Professor Ruth A. Wardall, Head of the Department of H o m e Economics, an extension of sick leave with pay previously granted, from May I to June I, 1036. Marie Cavanaugh, University Graduate Stenographer in the Dean's Office of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, November II, 1935, to February 3, 1936, with pay, on account of illness. On motion of M r . Barrett, the action of the President of the U n i versity in g r a n t i n g these leaves of absence w a s confirmed. STATUS OF MRS. IDA M. STAEHLE (25) A recommendation from the Committee on Operation of the Residence Halls that Mrs. Ida M. Staehle, Director of Social Activities in Davenport House, be reappointed for the year beginning September 1, 1936, and that she be retired effective September 1, 1937, with an annual retiring allowance oi $338. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF A N D R E W JAMES CASNER AS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW (26) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Law that Professor Andrew James Casner, of the University of Maryland, be appointed Associate Professor of Law for one year at a salary of $5,000 beginning September I,
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