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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
63O BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 18 2. T h a t there be established: ( a ) A general non-transferable deposit of $5.00 to be required of each student in the Urbana departments upon first registration at the beginning of each regular academic year, except persons on University appointment or on appointment in allied surveys or laboratories. Any balance in a deposit shall be returned to the student in case he officially withdraws from the University, within thirty days after his withdrawal provided he returns his identification card. By the term academic year is meant the twelve-months period beginning September 1 and ending on the following August 31. If at any time during the residence of the student at the University the amount of the general $5.00 deposit falls below $2.50, he shall be required immediately by additional deposit to bring the total up to $5.00. This deposit will not be required of students registered in the Summer Session only. (b) An additional deposit of $10.00 ($15.00 in all) to be required of each student withdrawing military equipment. Any balance of this additional deposit of $10.00 shall, upon application by the student and with the approval of the Military Department, be refunded after Military Day. T h e student who has withdrawn military equipment and who has paid the $10.00 deposit for that purpose and the $5.00 general deposit ($15.00 in all) must replenish his deposit when it falls below $12.50. There shall be chargeable against these deposits the cost of such items as unreturned towels and locks, lost library books, shortages in laboratory, military, and other equipment, laboratory or other supplies and materials used in excess of the normal amount covered by the regular laboratory fees, other lost or unreturned University property; also library fines and any delinquent indebtedness to the University. Identification Card That each student in the Urbana departments upon first registration in each academic year be furnished an identification card, upon which he shall be required to write in his own handwriting his full name, home address, local address, and telephone number. T h e card shall be issued upon payment of the deposit and fees or approved deferment of fees. T h e identification card shall be valid until the following August 31, subject to certification thereon of each re-registration during the period. By the term academic year is meant the twelve-months period beginning September 1 and ending on the following August 31. The Business Office estimates that the annual cost of the new system, including the necessary printing and distribution of identification cards, the accounting involved in the deposit arrangement, the issuing of rebate checks, and a provision for depreciation on a posting machine which would be necessary, would be about $500 more than the cost of the present arrangement. There would be an initial outlay necessary for equipment approximating $900 (filing cabinet, $100; posting machine, $800). As an offset against these costs there are possible savings in the following places: (a) the certain collection of approximately $1,000 a year which as shown in the discussion of the general deposit above now remains on the books; and (b) the saving of a substantial portion of $750 now chargeable against lost books; and (c) losses which it is impossible to estimate occasioned by the use of other University property by unidentified persons. I recommend that these provisions be authorized effective at the beginning of the next academic year, September 1, 1036, and that an appropriation of $1,500 be made from the General Reserve Fund for the purchase of the necessary equipment, and other expenses in putting this requirement into operation. O n m o t i o n o f M r . B a r r , t h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e a d o p t e d and the appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Horner, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Wieland.
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