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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

632 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April l8 1936, vice Professor Frederick Green who will retire at the end of the present academic year. I recommend approval. On motion of M r s . F r e e m a n , this appointment w a s made. GRADUATION W I T H HONORS (27) The following recommendation with reference to graduation with honors from the University Senate: With the approval of the University Senate and the Board of Trustees, any college or school may prescribe the conditions under which candidates for degrees may be recommended for graduation with honors. T h e honors to be conferred shall be noted on the diploma and on the commencement program. When a proposal by a college or school has been approved, the rules under the head of "Graduation with Honors," appearing on pages 75-76 of the Annual Register for 1935-36, shall cease to apply to that division of the University. F o r the guidance of the various colleges and schools, it is suggested: 1. That provisions be made for three degrees of honor—honors, high honors, highest h o n o r s ; 2. That the determination of students to be recommended for graduation with high honors or highest honors be not based merely upon general grade averages. F o r example, the determination might be based, partially or even entirely, upon such evidence of distinctive scholarship as record in honors courses, or grade on a comprehensive examination, or upon recommendation of a departmental faculty or of a special committee. _ This is a proposal to substitute for the present uniform plan of graduation with honors, a plan which may vary with the individual college or school subject, however, to the approval of the University Senate and the Board of Trustees in every case. On motion of Mr. Barr, the recommendations of the University Senate were approved. LEASE OF OLD MEDICAL BUILDING TO GOODWILL INDUSTRIES (28) On November 27, 1935 (Minutes, page 481), the Board authorized the termination of the lease given the Goodwill Industries for the use of the old medical building, with the expectation that it would be razed. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department reports that this cannot be done, at least not completely, until the University is ready to vacate the dental building because the stack of the boiler room is an integral part of the masonry wall of the old medical building. It is also clear that the block in which these buildings are located cannot be cleared for, perhaps, a year or more. Under the circumstances it is of no advantage to have the old medical building vacated by the Goodwill Industries, and I recommend that the action of the Board of November 27, 1935, be rescinded and that the Physical Plant Department be authorized to extend the lease of the Goodwill Industries until the old dental building is vacated and can be razed along with the old medical building. On motion of Mr. Williams, the action of November 27, 1935, authorizing the termination of this lease, was reconsidered. On motion of Mr. Mayer, the action of November 27, 1935, was rescinded and the Physical Plant Department was authorized to extend the lease as recommended. REGIONAL SOYBEAN RESEARCH LABORATORY (29) A report that the United States Department of Agriculture has decided to establish one of the regional soybean research laboratories at the University of Illinois. At its meeting on February 22, 1936 (Minutes, page 532), the Board authorized the President of the University and the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station to execute whatever agreement might be
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