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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 632]

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sion to the C.P.A. and State Bar examinations. A fee of $1.00 per unit for high school subjects and $1.00 per college subject is charged. T h e examinations are self-supporting, but recently there has been a decrease in the number of candidates taking these examinations, so that the expense of them runs close to the total income. In the past the Registrar has offered transcripts of examination records without charge. In view of the close margin on which the examinations are being operated, he recommends that a charge of twenty-five cents for each transcript of examination record issued be established. O n m o t i o n o f M r . B a r r , t h i s fee w a s a u t h o r i z e d . F E E S IN C O L L E G E OF MEDICINE (20) A recommendation from the Committee on Fees and Scholarships that the tuition fees for students in the College of Medicine be established at $150 a year (payable in installments of $75 each semester) for residents of Illinois, and $225 a year (payable in installments of $112.50 each semester) for nonresidents; and that the laboratory fees applicable to each year be added to the tuition fee. T h e Committee recommends that this revised scale become effective with the class entering in 1936 and that the present scale of fees be continued for all students now registered in the College of Medicine until their graduation. This recommendation is based upon a proposal from the Dean of the College of Medicine that the tuition fee be increased $50 a year. The present arrangement of fees provides for a fixed annual total of $200 a year for residents of Illinois and $300 for non-residents. Within these totals, the amount of laboratory fees is first determined and the difference is then considered tuition fee. This results in tuition fees of varying amounts, ranging from $119 in the first year to $70 in the fourth year. After giving the proposal careful consideration the Committee came to the conclusion that a fixed tuition fee is more desirable than one varying in amount from year to year, and the Dean of the College concurs in this view. I recommend that the revised fees be authorized to become effective with tlie class entering in 1936 and subsequent classes and to apply to all new students transferring to the College of Medicine in the academic year 1936-1937 and subsequent years, with the further provision that the present scale of fees apply to all students now registered in the College of Medicine until their graduation. T h i s m a t t e r w a s r e f e r r e d to the C o m m i t t e e on General Policy for consideration and report at an early meeting. At this point, M r . W i e l a n d w i t h d r e w . GENERAL S T U D E N T D E P O S I T AND IDENTIFICATION CARD SYSTEM (21) T h e Faculty Committee on Fees and Scholarships has been giving careful consideration to two proposals looking toward the protection of the University from losses, viz.: 1. A general deposit to be required of all students to guard against losses r, f library books, laboratory equipment, and other materials issued to students; and to insure the collection of library fines and other charges against students. This deposit, less any outstanding charges against the individual concerned, would be refunded when he graduates or leaves the University. 2. An identification card to be issued to each student registered in the University to furnish a means of identifying students, establishing responsibility for losses by students, and preventing losses growing out of the use of University facilities by unauthorized persons. The complete report of the Committee is presented herewith, and a copy is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for record. The Committee's specific recommendations a r e : General Deposit Requirement 1. T h a t the following special deposits now required be abandoned: towel and lock deposit ($1.50) ; military deposit ($15.00).