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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
628 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 18 (b) to permit sufficient time for the University to recheck and estimate in detail the work contemplated under this contract; and (c) to eliminate, if possible, portions of the work in view of the reduction necessary in equipment installations. 3. T h a t the laboratory equipment contract be withheld until further studies can be made concerning possible reduction in the wiring contract and the extension of power plant service to the site. This is also necessary because funds are not available for the acceptance of the bid, and it cannot be assumed that a portion of the bid may be accepted on the basis of the detailed costs submitted. 4. That the service facilities to be extended from the power plant be reduced in so far as possible proportionately with the equipment to be installed at this time, with the definite understanding that if and when the equipment is added later, funds will be provided for increased service facilities. This will leave funds available for the following purposes: Equipment and Furnishings: Classroom Furniture $ 50 00 Window Shades 100 00 Remainder of Architectural, Engineering, and Supervision Lighting Fixtures Builders Risk Insurance Electrical Work, Extension of Service Facilities, Laboratory and Departmental Equipment, and Contingencies (Total Contract Bids J150 00 400 00 400 00 50 00 10 238 67 $11 238 67 36 622 90) ? 4 7 861 57 On motion of Mr. Barrett, the general contract was awarded to George Bennett, the lowest bidder, on his bid of $27,387.00. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the contract for heating and ventilating was awarded to the Northwestern Plumbing and Heating Company, the lowest bidder, on their bid of $5,289.00. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the contract for plumbing was awarded to the Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, the lowest bidder, on their bid of $3,946.90. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the bid for electrical work was rejected; and action was deferred on the bids for laboratory equipment. MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T WILLARD The Board resumed its consideration of matters presented by the President of the University. DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS ON POLK S T R E E T AS A W O R K S P R O G R E S S ADMINISTRATION P R O J E C T (18) A report that the Director of the Physical Plant Department has been authorized to make an application to the W o r k s Progress Administration for the removal of the buildings recently purchased by the University in the 1700 block on West Polk Street as a project of the W o r k s Progress Administration. Due to leases now in effect on certain property, the demolition of the buildings at 1750 and 1752 cannot be started until May and the one at 1758 West Polk Street not until July. It is not possible to secure a grant for the installation of tennis courts. T h i s report w a s received for record. FEE FOR T R A N S C R I P T S O F EXAMINATION R E C O R D S (19) By authority of the Board of Trustees the Registrar offers examinations in high school and college subjects to persons who wish to qualify for admis-
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