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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 627 ELECTRICAL WORK Alternate fi Alternate fi (Add or (Add or Bidders Base Bid deduct) deduct) Bond Check Marrs-Tanner Electric Co $4 680 00 +ti$o 00 $70 00 £150 00 Alternate fi.—If alternate roof construction is installed. Alternate ft.—If Haydite blocks are substituted for interior partitions and interior facing of exterior walls. HEATING AND VENTILATING Alter. AlterAlter. note *i note *2 note ts (Add or (Add or (Add or Bidders Base Bid deduct) deduct) deduct) Bond Check Caraon-Payson Co A. W. Murray Co $5 950 00 £00 00 £200 00 Northwestern Plumbing and Heating Co... 528900 5 2 0 0 17500 Reliable Plumbing and Heating C o . . . . 5731 10 8288 16800 John P. Shields Geo. A. Zirhut Alternate #1.—If Herman Nelson '*Her-Nel-Co" unit ventilators are used in place of those specified. Alternate ii.—If alternate roof construction is installed. Alternate #3.—If Haydite blocks are substituted for interior partitions and interior facing of exterior walls. PLUMBING AlterAlterAlter. nate fi nate tl note t3 {Add or {Add or (Add or deduct) deduct) deduct) Bond Bidders Base Bid Check Carson-Payson Co A. W. Murray Co 24 500 00 #67 so $100 00 Northwestern Plumbing and Heating Co Reliable Plumbing and Heating Co 3 946 90 -*38 15 57 S& 117 00 150 00 John P. Shields 4 337 00 Geo. A. Zirhut Alternate #1.—If Kohler or Crane fixtures are used in place of those specified. Alternate #2.—If alternate roof construction is installed. Alternate #3.—If Haydite blocks are substituted for interior partitions and interior facing of exterior walls. These bids total $47,010.52 for building construction only. It is estimated that laboratory equipment and apparatus, furnishings, and other incidental expenses will total $22,550.00, making the total cost of the building completely furnished and equipped $69,560.52. There is available in the State appropriation of $50,000 for this building a balance of $47,861.57 (after deducting for the cost of architectural services and other preliminary expenses), so that an additional $22,000 will have to be provided if the building is constructed and equipped as originally planned. A revised budget for the construction of this building has been prepared on the basis of an available balance of $47,861.57. This plan would provide the building plus a small portion of the equipment originally contemplated, the balance of which can be added later as funds become available at comparatively little additional cost. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department, the Dean of the College of Engineering, and the H e a d of the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering recommend: 1. That the award of the contracts on the base bids, with the exception of those for wiring and laboratory equipment, be made to the low bidders as follows and for the amounts indicated in each case: Contract General Work Plumbing Heating and Ventilating Total Contract Bids Low Bidder George Bennett Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Northwestern Plumbing and Heating Company Base Bid $27 387 00 3 946 90 5 289 00 $36 622 90 2. T h a t the award of the wiring contract be withheld for the following reasons: (a) because of the fact that only one bid was submitted on this w o r k ;
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