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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

JQ-J6] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 6oi (c) T h e expense of all duly authorized chauffeurs' licenses shall be met by the University from the appropriation of the department in which the person is employed. ( d ) A person in the employ of the University, whose regular work is other than that of a chauffeur, may be permitted to drive a university automobile or truck, when necessary, if authorized to do so by the dean or director of a college or division, on approval of the Director of the Physical Plant Department. But every person so employed must pass the examination described in paragraph I I I ( b ) . (e) A list of chauffeurs and others appointed under these qualifications shall be furnished each dean, director, and head of department whose work requires the use to automobiles or trucks, and it shall be his duty to see that only those thus certified are permitted, within his jurisdiction, to operate university motor vehicles. AUTOMOBILE PARKING AND TRAFFIC 65. ( a ) No parking of automobiles is permitted on university property on any day between 8 a.m. and 3:50 p.m. within the limits bounded by Green Street on the north, Mathews Avenue extended on the east, the road south of the New Agriculture Building on the south, and Wright Street extended on the west, except in areas specifically provided for parking. (b) No traffic is permitted on the Campus in the area prohibited to parking during the ten minute intervals between classes from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. including the period from 11:50 to 12 noon, except on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. (c) T h e President of the University is given authority to make such traffic regulations and such changes therein as conditions from time to time may warrant, and to waive these regulations on special occasions of importance, and also to issue permits to individual students or members of the faculty who, for reasons of physical disability, may need to ride to their class rooms in automobiles. ASSIGNMENT OF LAND TO DEPARTMENTS 66. ( a ) A piece of land which has been assigned by the Board of Trustees to a college or department for a particular use or for a definite period may not be used for any other purpose nor beyond the period designated, without positive reassignment by the Board of Trustees. (b) T h e assignment of land, equipment, or any other property to a department or division does not give the department a title to the same, but only to use as long as necessary; and the use of land or equipment or other property shall not exclude its use for other purposes by other departments of the University, at the same time, on approval of the President, provided that any such second use shall not interfere with the efficient utilization of said land, equipment, or other property for the purpose for which it was first assigned. GOLF CLUB 67. ( a ) The University Golf Club is authorized to lay out and maintain a golf course on the premises of the University, including the South Campus and the Experiment Station grounds; subject, however, to the approval of the Director of the Physical Plant Department as to the location on the Campus, and to that of the Director of the Experiment Station as to the location on the Experiment Station premises. (b) T h e use of the course by the members of the club is conditioned on the establishment and maintenance of rules approved by the President of the University, which rules shall include a penalty of dismissal from the club and forfeiture of all rights to the course for trespass on Experiment Station property. PRIVATE U S E OF UNIVERSITY PROPERTY FORBIDDEN 68. No one connected with the University in any capacity shall use for his own pleasure or for any other personal purpose any university property of
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