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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

19$6] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 599 B. F o r meetings of non-sectarian organizations whose activities are of an educational nature or of professional interest to the members of the staff or the general student body; and for non-sectarian meetings of a non-local character of public or educational significance— (1) A university room shall not be granted to individuals or organizations for any purpose which, although in accord with the general purposes of the University, is of such a character or occurs at such a time or in such circumstances that it is likely to interfere with the work, either specific or general, of the University or any department of the University. (2) Reservations from outside organizations will not be approved until all major university events have been scheduled. (3) In no case may an admission fee be charged except upon permission previously obtained and then only to raise funds to offset expenses of such meeting. C. Use of property of non-university organizations by the University must first be approved by the Physical Plant Department and then only when a fee is paid for such use. D. T h e recreational facilities of the University are reserved for the use of students, members of the staff, and members of the staffs of organizations affiliated with the University or housed in university buildings. Permission for the use of recreational facilities by other individuals may be granted by the officer in charge on prior authorization by the President on such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe, and subject to the regulations of the Board of Trustees. Permission for the use of university premises or recreational facilities shall not be granted in any case where interference with the use thereof for university purposes may result. Unauthorized use of university premises or facilities will be considered as trespass. U S E OF LABORATORIES DURING HOLIDAYS 62. T h e university laboratories may be opened during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter holidays (to enable students who need more time for their laboratory work to catch up with their classes) on the following conditions: (1) that there is sufficient demand reasonably to assure the University that the expenses incurred will be defrayed by the fees collected; (2) that a scale of fees be adopted to cover expenses for laboratory materials used and for properly qualified assistants to conduct the laboratory exercises; (3) that the assistants employed shall exercise only the ordinary duties necessary for the supervision of the work, and persons shall not be permitted to undertake such supervision who also undertake or have undertaken to become special tutors for students carrying on the laboratory work. CUSTODIANSHIP OF MOVABLE PROPERTY 63. ( a ) Movable equipment purchased for or assigned to a department of the University will be considered as in the custody of the head of that department, who will be responsible for it. He will report annually to the Comptroller on all such equipment as long as it continues in service, and will make special report whenever such equipment becomes unserviceable, or when it becomes of no further service to that department. (b) T h e Comptroller will be expected to arrange for the transfer of any equipment which has become of no further service in one department, but which can be used in some other department, or for the sale or disposition of any equipment which can no longer be used by the University. (c) Movable equipment for general use, meaning equipment which is usable by all departments, or by various departments, or by the University in general, will be considered as in the custody of the Director of the Physical Plant Department, who will make report to the Comptroller on such equipment, the same as the head of any department of the University. ( d ) T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department shall also provide, on the request of the Comptroller, storage for any departmental equipment temporarily not in use. (e) A deposit of fifty cents is required for every outside door key, except in the case of employees in the Physical Plant Department.
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