Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

558 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 10 State funds and thereby increasing the general reserve of the University. The use of the balance (about $52,000) will be considered later in preparing the budget for 1936-37, if these additional funds are appropriated to the several States by the present Congress. This report was received for record. APPOINTMENTS TO I 9 3 6 SUMMER SESSION STAFF (8) A recommendation for the approval of the following appointments to the Summer Session staff for 1936, the positions and salaries being indicated in each case; and a request that the President be authorized to make such adjustments in the Summer Session budget and such additional appointments as may be necessary. T h e work of teaching in the S u m m e r Session is additional service not contemplated in the appointment of members of the teaching staff for service during the regular academic year, and it therefore necessitates additional compensation as shown in each case. Provision has been made in the budget for 1935-1936 for the work of the 1936 Summer Session. This list of recommended positions for the Summer Session totals $95,936.39 for salaries and wages. T h e Board appropriated in the University budget for 1935-1936, $97,000 for salaries and wages and $3,000 for other expenses. (See Minutes, July 26, 1935, page 272.) A margin of $1,063.61 is thus provided for such adjustments in the staff as the enrollment may require and to provide for other contingencies. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appointments were approved, and authority was given as recommended. SUMMER SESSION STAFF ADMINISTRATION E. H. Cameron, Director (1/10 time) (Also Professor of Education) Lillian H a r t , Secretary (1/10 time) ARCHITECTURE ($672 0 0 ) ' ( 378 oo) 1 387 So ART ($ 1 050 00) 387 50 C. E. Palmer, Professor {l/2 time) E. J. Lake, Professor, Head of Department C. E. Bradbury, Associate Professor C. V. Donovan, Assistant Professor ASTRONOMY 673 00 600 00 500 00 745 83 450 33 28667 250 00 I 773 00 745 83 R. H. Baker, Professor, H e a d of Department BACTERIOLOGY G. I. Wallace, Assistant Professor F. M. Clark, Instructor P. R. Beamer, Assistant BOTANY 987 00 N. E. Stevens, Professor H. J. Fuller, Associate Stephen Diachun, Assistant (Ys time) Katherine Kinsel, Assistant (fi time) H. A. Harris, Assistant (^ time) 883 350 200 150 150 33 00 00 00 00 1 733 33 'This appointment is for twelve months from September I, 1935, and is included in the regular University budget but is paid from the appropriation made for the support of the Summer Session.