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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i93 6 l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 557 APPROPRIATION TO PHYSICAL PLANT DEPARTMENT FOR STUDIES OF THE HEATING SYSTEMS IN UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS (5) A recommendation that an appropriation of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made to the Physical Plant Department for studies to remodel the heating and ventilating systems in certain buildings with the view to reducing the load of these buildings on the Power Plant. An appropriation of $20,000 was made by the Board for the current year for repairs, replacements, or improvements in the Power Plant and in the distribution system, of which approximately $5,300 remains. These funds are available for the studies proposed if the Board desires to assign them for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Williams, these studies were authorized, the expense to be charged to the appropriation for the Power Plant. APPROPRIATION FOR RADIO STATION (6) Mr. Horace L. Lohnes, the attorney who has represented the University in its negotiations with the Federal Communications Commission, has submitted a statement of his services covering the period June 24, 1935, to March 3, 1936, totalling $848.60. I recommend authorization of the payment and an appropriation of this amount for the purpose from the General Reserve Fund. On motion of M r . Williams, this payment was authorized a n d the appropriation was m a d e by the following vote: Aye, M r . Barrett, M r . Karraker, Dr. Meyer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, M r . Barr, M r s . F r e e m a n , M r . H o r n e r , M r . Mayer, M r . Wieland. REAPPROPRIATION OF FEDERAL FUNDS TO THE UNIVERSITY (7) Under one of the several provisions of the Bankhead-Jones Act of June 2 9> I035> 74th Congress of the United States, the University of Illinois may receive approximately $72,000 of additional Federal funds during the current biennium. These funds are appropriated to the State (and not directly to the University) for the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, and are for the same general purposes as other Federal funds which the University has been receiving through the State Treasury ($50,000 per year, reappropriation of Federal funds pursuant to Acts of Congress, August 30, 1890, and March 4, 1907, and $32,451 per year representing interest on the original endowment). As reported to the Board on December 18, 1935, the 59th General Assembly, First Special Session, has reappropriated the sum of $72,000, or so much thereof as shall accrue to the State of Illinois under the provisions of the BankheadJones Act, to the University for the current biennium. Of this amount $20,000 has already been made available to the University for the current fiscal year and has been added to its General Reserve Fund. Apparently it is not mandatory under the terms of Section 22 of the Bankhead-Jones Act for the University to undertake or establish new lines of instruction or research "for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," although according to the title of the Act, Section 22 is "for the more complete endowment and support of land grant colleges," entitled to the benefits of "An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1862. Also, according to Section 22 of the Act, "Sums appropriated in pursuance of this section shall be in addition to sums appropriated or authorized under such Act of July 2, 1862, as amended and supplemented, and shall be applied only for the purposes of the colleges defined in such Act, as amended and supplemented." It would, therefore, appear proper either to apply these new and additional funds in support of work now in progress in agriculture and the mechanic arts, thus relieving State funds now so used, or in support of new work in these fields not now in progress, or to both work now in progress and new work. F o r the present year, it is proposed to apply the $20,000 of Federal funds to work now in progress (payment of salaries in agriculture and engineering) thus relieving
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