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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 53 2. Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Corporation, $2,000 for a research assistantship in the Department of Chemistry during the year 1934-35. 3. Mead Johnson and Company, $1,200 to defray the expense of research in the Department of Pediatrics under Doctors Hess and Poncher. 4 4. Dr. C. C. W a n g and other former Chinese students of the University, a complete set of the rare volumes of "Szu K'u Ch'uan Shu" as a token of their grateful appreciation to the University. 5. Mrs. F. L. Stevens, widow of the late Professor Stevens, an English pink lustre tea set to the Museum of European Culture. 6. Standard Brands, Incorporated, $2,250, which is the first half of their fund for the year 1934-35, ar>d is the continuation of a grant. This report w a s received for record. DEGREES C O N F E R R E D IN OCTOBER, 1934 (16) A request for authority to confer the following degrees in October, 1934, as recommended by the University Senate. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, these degrees were authorized. GRADUATE SCHOOL D e g r e e of Master of Arts In Chemistry LEONE A N N E RUBERG, A.B., L a w r e n c e College, 1930 In Classics K A T H R Y N FRANCES K I L L I A N , B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1928 SISTER MARY ERNESTINE CRONIN, O.P., A.B., Canisius College, 1925 SISTER M A R Y AURELIA MARSHALL, O.P., A.B., D e P a u l University, 1928 In Economics J O H N C A S I M I R CHOLEWA, B.S., Loyola University, 1933 A L M A L A V E R N E DENTON, A.B., Greenville College, 1925 W I L L I A M J O S E P H SCHLATTER, A.B., 1933 In Education HARVEY J. ALBRECHT, B.S., Northwestern University, 1929 LESLIE W A R D CARSON, A.B., F r a n k l i n College, 1920 R A I M A N W I L S O N DAMRON, B.Ed., Southern Illinois State Normal University, 1931 HUGH ARMSTRONG DOLLAHAN, A.B., 1926 HALDON VERNE FOLTZ, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1932 ELBERT FULKERSON, B.Ed., Southern Illinois State Normal University, 1926 ARTHUR R A Y GRISMER, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1929 B E N J A M I N GROTE, B.Ed., Western Illinois State Teachers College, 1928 LOUISE ELIZABETH HAGER, A.B., Indiana State Teachers College, 1916 E R N E S T L Y N N H I L L , A.B., James Millikin University, 1927 R U T H CHARLOTTE H U G G I N S , A.B., K n o x College, 1930 HARRIS MORTON ROBERTSON, B.S., Illinois College, 1925 J O H N P H I L I P SABO, JR., B.S., 1922 BUREN H U F F S M I T H , A.B., W a b a s h College, 1022 LOUISE TAYLOR, A.B., 1926 In English MARGARET PEARL BRODERICK, A.B., W e b s t e r College, 1028 ROLAND CROZIER BURTON, B.S., 1930 MILDRED LORRAINE COX, A.B., 1932 Ross LLOYD CRIGLER, B.S., Central Missouri State Teachers College, 1926 A N E I T A E M A L I N E H I L L , A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1930 LEO H U G H E S , A.B., 1933 MARGARET KERTES, A.B., 1930 ADELIA CAROLYN METZGER, A.B., James Millikin University, 1026
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