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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

514 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 24 Professor Ruth A. Wardall, Head of the Department of H o m e Economics, January 1 to March I, 1936, or until such time previous as she is able to resume her duties. Dr. John L. Page, Assistant Professor of Geography, for one month from January 5, 1936. Mr. C. J. Badger, Associate in Soil Experiment Fields, November 29 to December 31, 1935. Miss Irene Pierson, Assistant Dean of Women, January 6 to February 1, 1936. Mr. Robert T. Ittner, Assistant in German, January 17 to February 5, 1936. Mr. Eric V. Sandin, Assistant in English, January 14 to approximately February 17, 1936. Mr. J. R. Thompson, Technician in the Department of Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health, College of Medicine, November 13 to December 13, I93SArrangements have been made by the departments concerned to have the colleagues of these people carry on their work in their absence without additional expense to the University. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these leaves were granted as recommended. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (16) A recommendation that the following members of the staff be granted leaves of absence, with full pay, for the period and reason indicated in each case: Mr. Eric Winters, Associate in Soil Physics and Soil Survey, February IS to May 15, 1936, for the purpose of carrying on an important phase of his research work under Dr. Hans Jenny at the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Missouri. Mr. Bruce R. Foote, Instructor in Music, January 24 to February 7, for the purpose of giving concerts in the vicinity of Syracuse, New York. Mr. Sherman Schoonmaker, Assistant Professor of Music, January 24 to February 7, 1936, for the purpose of accompanying Mr. Foote in his concerts in the vicinity of Syracuse, New York. Arrangements have been made by the departments concerned to have the colleagues of these gentlemen carry on their work in their absence without additional expense to the University. O n m o t i o n o f M r . K a r r a k e r , t h e s e l e a v e s w e r e g r a n t e d a s recommended. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR EDWARD BERMAN (17) A request from Dr. Edward Berman, Associate Professor of Economics, for a year's leave of absence beginning February 1, 1936, for the purpose of conducting a research study for the Works Progress Administration. The Acting Head of the Department of Economics and the Dean of the College of Commerce report that it will be possible to make adjustments to take care of Professor Berman's work during his absence, and they recommend that he be given leave for one year without pay beginning February 1, 1936. I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n o f M r . Barrett, this l e a v e w a s g r a n t e d a s r e c o m m e n d e d . APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR WILLIAM 6. HILL AS ACTING DIRECTOR OF THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC (18) A recommendation that Assistant Professor William G. Hill be designated Acting Director of the School of Music in the College of Fine and Applied Arts, to serve from February I to September 1, 1936, in the absence of Director Stiven, to whom the Board has granted sabbatical leave of absence during that period. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was approved.
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