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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 513 the expenses of the investigation. This agreement conforms to the University statutes and other conditions required by the Board of Trustees governing such investigations. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this agreement w a s authorized. AWARD OF C. P. A. CERTIFICATES (13) A recommendation from the Committee on Accountancy that the following, who have been certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having qualified for the Illinois Certificate of Certified Public Accountant in the November, 1935, examination, be awarded such certificates: THOMAS HARVEY BEADLES CHARLES RUSSELL BERGHERM WILLIAM D. BOLOTIN WALTER EDWIN BUSKER WILLIAM GRANT CAMPBELL JOSEPH E. CLERMONT GEORGE WILLIAM COLLINS BERNARD VICTOR DREBIN WILLIAM E. FLACK THEODORE GEORGE FREEDLUND DELMAR C. FREY EDWARD AUGUST F U N K CECIL MERLE GILLESPIE ALFRED JAMES A. GOURLAY HERBERT J. GRAVELOT MORRIS GUROVITSCH PAUL EDWIN H A M M A N WALTER JOHN HARTMANN FREDERICK STUBBINS H I L L WILLIAM CLAIR HOPKINS EARL MAGNUS JOHNSON SIDNEY G. LARKIN JOHN OSCAR LATTA LAWRENCE O. LEHMAN JACOB G. LIEBER MARK D U N H A M LITTLER RICHARD LOEWE ORIN DALE NEAHMIAH MILLER GLENN E. MOOSE PAUL H. MOORE MERLIN ARTHUR M U T H HAROLD K A Y NAFZIGER H U G H EVANS NICHOLS GEORGE EDWARD PREUSS WILLIAM TOWNSEND PRICHARD GORDON JAMES RAAB HERBERT WALTER REINKE WILLIAM J. H. ROBERTS JOHN IRA ROBISHAW LOUIS ROMANEK NORMAN N. SCHWARTZ SYLVAN SELIGMAN 1 ROBERT SELLMAN PETER MICHAEL SHANNON EMANUEL H. SLOTNICK RALPH A N D Y SWANSON FRED E. TRAINOR FRANK ROBERT V A N PETTEN MILTON DONALD W E I S S CLARENCE HAHVEY YOHN JOSEPH EDWTN ZWISLEH, JR. O n m o t i o n o f M r . W i e l a n d , t h e s e certificates w e r e a w a r d e d a s recommended. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR CHARLES ZELENY (14) A recommendation that Professor Charles Zeleny, Head of the Department of Zoology, who has been granted sick leave with full pay from December 10, 1935, to February I, 1936, be granted additional leave on account of his health from February I to September I, 1936, with full pay, with the provision that any expense incurred by the Department in carrying on his work during his absence shall be deducted from his salary. Since December 10, the department has been carrying his work without additional expense to the University. On motion of Mrs. Freeman, this leave w a s granted as recommended. SICK LEAVES OF ABSENCE (15) A recommendation that the following members of the staff be granted leaves of absence on account of illness, with full pay, for the period indicated in each case: Dr. George T. Flom, Professor of Scandinavian Languages and English Philology, January 6 to March 1, 1936, or until such previous time as he is able to resume his duties. , 'The certificate of Sylvan Seligman shall be issued March 10, 1936, the date on which ne becomes twenty-one years of age.
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