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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 475 HARKER P R O P E R T Y ON W R I G H T S T R E E T (13) A report from the firm of Burton & Trelease, realtors, that Judge O. A. Harker has listed his property at the corner of Wright and Chalmers Streets in Champaign (across from Lincoln Hall) for sale. This report was received for record. O P T I O N S ON LAND A D J A C E N T TO E N T R A N C E TO UNIVERSITY G R O U N D S (14) The Director of the Physical Plant Department reports that he has secured preliminary options on two parcels of property adjacent to the campus, the description of which is hereby handed to the Secretary for record, opposite the entrance to University grounds, as a protection of that corner against any further commercial expansion. These options (total $10,600) have been secured at no cost or obligation to the University. The opportunity to purchase these properties at the prices indicated should be given careful consideration. The prices offered seem reasonable and probably as low as the University will be able to get. T h e Comptroller is of the opinion that both properties could be operated in such a way as to pay taxes and other necessary expenses until the University wishes to use the ground. It is possible to finance these properties if it is considered desirable. It has been the general policy of the Board in the past to acquire property in the area of the University's contemplated expansion when it can be purchased on advantageous terms. T h e present proposal is of that nature. On motion of M r . Mayer, these options were exercised, and an appropriation of $10,600 from the General Reserve F u n d was m a d e for t h e p u r c h a s e , b y t h e f o l l o w i n g v o t e : A y e , M r . B a r r e t t , M r s . F r e e man, M r . K a r r a k e r , M r . M a y e r , D r . M e y e r , M r s . P l u m b , M r . W i l liams ; n o , n o n e ; a b s e n t , M r . B a r r , M r . H o r n e r , M r . P o g u e , M r . Wieland. At this point, M r . B a r r took his place with the B o a r d . C O N T R A C T S F O R S E C O N D UNIT O F MEDICAL AND DENTAL LABORATORIES BUILDING (15) Bids on the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building were opened at the College of Medicine at 2 p. m. on November 26, 1935. Mr. E. E. Barrett, Mr. Oscar G. Mayer, and Mrs. Marie C. Plumb were present. A schedule of bids is attached. SCHEDULE OF B I D S General Work J. W. Snyder Company George A. Fuller Company Harvey A. Hanson Const. Co Coath & Goss, Inc R. C. Wieboldt Company S. N. Nielsen Company M. J. Boyle & Company Dahl-Stedman Company John Griffiths & Son Co Henry Ericsson Company Elevator Equipment Haughton Elevator & Machine Co Westinghouse Electric Elevator Co Montgomery Elevator Company Otis Elevator Company Base Bid $964860 974 000 974 479 084 180 997 000 1 009 000 1 015 000 I 024 974 1 079 000 1 094 000 S3 54 56 59 7°° 4'3 898 965
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