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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

390 BOASD OF TRUSTEES [September 28, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, AUGUST 1 7 , 1 9 3 S The Secretary presented for record the minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee held August 17, 1935. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Office of Roberts & Schaefer, in Chicago, at 11 a.m. (Daylight Saving Time) on Saturday, August 17, 1935. Mr. Walter W. Williams, Chairman, Mr. Edward E. Barrett, and Dr. Karl A. Meyer, members of the Committee, were present; also Director C. S. Havens, Mr. R. C. Maxwell, and Mr. John Doak, representatives of the Physical Plant Department. CONTRACT FOR PAVING OF CAMPUS DRIVES The following bids were received on the paving of a portion of Gregory Drive and Goodwin Avenue: General Paving Company $13 750 00 Physical Plant Department 14 088 68 Frank A. Somers Company, Inc 14 919 06 F. C. Feutz 15 645 00 Thornton & Sons 16 700 00 On motion of Mr. Barrett, the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, the General Paving Company. CONSULTING TELEPHONE ENGINEER On motion of Dr. Meyer, J. G. Wray & Company were employed in accordance with their proposal of August 12 to analyze bids and to make recommendations to the Board concerning telephone service for the University. RECOMMENDATIONS C O N C E R N I N G PURCHASES The following recommendations for purchases involving $1,000 or over: Two electric refrigerators from the Illinois Power and Light Corporation, low bidder, at $1,108, for the Chemistry Department. Funds are available in the budget of the Department of Chemistry for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this purchase was authorized. Three hundred thirty-five dozen 19" x 38" name-woven bath towels for use in the Gymnasiums, from Marshall Field and Company, Chicago, at a price of $3.15 per dozen. Quotations and samples were secured from eight companies. There were two low bidders, and the samples were tested by the Home Economics Department. The Marshall Field and Company towel was found to be superior and of a quality that will satisfactorily meet the University requirements. Funds are available in the budget of the School of Physical Education for this purpose. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this purchase was authorized. One carload (18,000 board feet) of mixed lumber (white pine, 2,000; cypress, 2,500; red oak, 5,000; birch, 2,000; redwood, 4,500; and fir, 2,000) from Frank Paxton Lumber Company, Kansas City, Missouri, the low bidder, at a price of $1,702.75. This lumber is for the Physical Plant stock, and funds are available in the budget of that Department for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this purchase was authorized. ADDITIONAL FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE UNIVERSITY The Federal Congress has provided additional appropriations to Land-Grant Colleges for the biennium 1935-37, and the State of Illinois will receive $51,000 additional funds for the same purposes as the Morrill-Nelson funds. These funds are paid directly to the State and are appropriated by the Legislature to the University. The 59th General Assembly appropriated $100,000 for 1935-37. which is the same as the appropriation of previous years. To secure the additional $51,000, supplementary legislation will be necessary. Therefore, formal action should be taken by the Executive Committee requesting the Governor to include in his call for the next special session of the General Assembh/ the subject of this needed legislation. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the following letter was sent to Governor Henry Horner.
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