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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

350 BOARD OF TRUSTEES H H H DG75 H H DG50 H DG67 DG33 H H [Juty 26 Salary 968 1900 1 250 1 630 300 1 020 500 1 810 945 750 250 1 100 400) 1 500) 350 220 (24 760) (11 286) $ 36 046 16. Wages 17. Mrs. Bernita J. Long, Assistant in Law Library and Lecturer in Library School 18. Wages 19. E. S. Warrick, Library Assistant in Mathematics (C. S.) 20. Wages 21. , Library Assistant in English 22. Wages 23. A. W. Rosaaen, Librarian in Chemistry (C. S.) 24. Wages 25. Mrs. Eunice C. Mohr, Library Assistant in Journalism (C.S.) 26. Wages 27. Helen E. Brown, Library Assistant in Landscape Architecture (C.S.) (See Landscape Architecture (Total salary 28. Wages 29. Wages (Classics) Sub-total, Salaries Sub-total, Wages Grand Total, Departmental Libraries—Urbana 1. 2. 3. 4. Departmental Libraries—Chicago (Medicine and Dentistry) Wilma Troxel, Librarian (C. S.) $ 2 200 Metta M. Loomis, Librarian, Retired 1 213 Margaret M. Bates, Assistant Librarian (C.S.) 1 630 Marcia D. Buchanan, Clerk (C. S.) 960 Sub-total, Salaries (6 003) 5. Wages H 1235 Total, Departmental Libraries—Chicago (Medicine and Dentistry) $ 7 238
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