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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 207 case Mr. Norton does not desire to return to the University by September 1, he will then resign his University position. On motion of M r . Wieland, this recommendation was adopted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MABEL DEERE (9) A report that Miss Mabel Deere, Editorial Assistant in the Agricultural Experiment Station, has been given a leave of absence without pay from July 15 to September I, 1935, for the purpose of travel in Europe. T h i s report was received for record. ASSIGNMENT FROM CONTINGENT F U N D (10) In accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees on May 18, the Governor was requested to make the following assignments from the Contingent Fund of the University from 1933 to 1935: Remodeling Physical Plant Tool Room and Warehouse J i o 000 Replacement of Plastering 5 000 Mr. Barrett, who took this matter up with him, reports that the Governor has assigned the $5,000 for plastering but is withholding approval of the request for the other item. T h i s report w a s received for record. ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE CONTINGENT F U N D (11) A statement that there is urgent need for the expenditure of at least $100,000 for improvements, in addition to the balance in the Contingent Fund, and a recommendation that the Governor be requested to make assignments from the Contingent Fund in the University's appropriation for 1933-1935 as follows: Remodeling Physical Plant Tool Room and Warehouse J10 000 (This item has previously been submitted to the Governor but it has not yet been approved; suggest that Mr. Barrett be requested to take this matter up with him.) Library Bindery 6 200 Part of Engineering Equipment 10 000 Remodeling Offices 9 100 Part of Paving Campus Streets and Drives 14 500 Total S49 800 On motion of M r . Barrett, it was voted that the Governor be requested to release the entire a m o u n t of the balance in the Contingent F u n d , and that the Governor be supplied with a complete itemized statement of the pressing needs of the University beyond the amount remaining in the Contingent F u n d (See page 215 below). REAPPROPRIATION OF UNUSED BALANCES (12) A recommendation that the following estimated balances in certain funds, as of June 30, 1935, be reappropriated for the purposes indicated: ESTIMATED BALANCES AS OF J U N E 30, 1935 Self-supporting funds: Accountancy Committee Agricultural Extension Revolving Fund Dairy Creamery Entrance Examinations Home Economics Cafeteria Military Bands Revolving Fund Military Clothing and Equipment Fund Military Overcoat and Glove F u n d . . . Purnell Revolving Fund University Chorus $36 000 00 16 000 00 4 000 400 1 400 200 3 500 500 2 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 160 00 160 $64 160 00
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