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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

206 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Third Year F I R S T SEMESTER HOURS SECOND SEMESTER [June 15 HOURS Art 13, Art Appreciation Art 29, Life Draw. & Sketch Art 33a, Composition Art 35a, 42a, 51a, 10a (3) Art 44a, Portrait Elective (Engl, or Amer. Lit.) Total 3 4 2 2 2 3 16 Fourth 3 5 2 5-6 15-16 Art 14, Art Appreciation Art 30, Life Draw. & Sketch Art 33b, Composition Art 35b, 42b, 51b, 10b (3) Art 44b, Portrait Elective (Engl, or Amer. Lit.) Total Year Art 34b, 43b, 52b (2) Art 48, Life Painting Art 90b, Original Project Elective Total 3 4 2 2 2 3 16 Art 34a, 43a, 52a (2) Art 47, Life Painting Art 90a, Original Project Elective Total 3 5 2 5-6 15-16 Total 130 hours for graduation, including Military and Physical Education. T h e r e has been a shifting in the content of the various A r t courses in which the work has been realigned and some courses absorbed in others, which accounts for the difference in the four hours of credit. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this curriculum was approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE (7) In accordance with the administrative procedure authorized by the Board on April 20, 193S, for dealing with applications for sabbatical leaves, all such applications for the academic year 1935-1936, which have been received since that action, were submitted to the Graduate School Research Board for its consideration and recommendation to the President and are now being submitted to the Board for action at one time. I recommend approval of the following leaves: Professor James W. Garner, Department of Political Science First Semester Full pay Professor J. T. Buchholz, Department of Botany Second Semester Full pay Professor J. M. Mathews, Department of Political Science Second Semester Full pay Professor Jakob Kunz, Department of Physics Second Semester Full pay Mrs. Nell C. B. Johnston, Assistant Professor of Education Second Semester Full pay Professor E. E. Bauer, Department of Civil Engineering Second Semester Full pay Professor E. E. Nearpass, Department of Art Second Semester Full pay Professor J. W. Albig, Department of Sociology Second Semester Half pay Professor R. R. Barlow, School of Journalism One Year Half pay In each case the department concerned agrees to provide for the work of the absentee, in accordance with the statute governing sabbatical leaves, without additional expense to the University. On motion of M r s . F r e e m a n , these leaves w e r e granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. E. A. NORTON (8) A recommendation that the leave of absence without pay for one year from June io, 1934, granted E. A. Norton, Assistant Chief in Soil Survey, be extended from June 10 to September I, 1935, with the understanding that in
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