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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Second Year 205 FIRST SEMESTER HOURS SECOND SEMESTER HOURS Art 11, Hist, of Fine Arts Art 27, Life Drawing Art 32a, Composition Art 41a, Still Life Physical Education Military Elective Total 2 5 2 2 %-\ 1 4 16-16X Third 3 3 2 4 3 15 Fourth 3 5 7 or 8 15 or 16 Art 12, Hist, of Fine Arts Art 28, Life Drawing Art 32b, Composition Art 41b, Still Life Physical Education Military Elective Total Year Art 14, Art Appreciation Art iob, Course for Teachers Art 33b, Composition Art 9, Applied Art Teaching Ed. 25, Ed. Psychology Elective Total Year Ed. 6, Secondary Education Ed. Prac. 9, Drawing, Art Elective Total 2 5 2 2 }4-i 1 4 16-16K Art 13, Art Appreciation Art 10a, Course for Teachers. . . . Art 33a, Composition Psych. 1, General Psychology.... Elective Total 3 3 2 3 3 3 17 Ed. io, Technic of Teaching Ed. Prac. 9, Drawing, Art Elective Total I recommend approval. 3 5 7 or 8 15 or 16 On motion of Mr. Karraker, this curriculum was adopted. REVISION IN C U R R I C U L U M IN PAINTING (6) A recommendation from the University Senate that the graduation requirements of the Curriculum in Painting be reduced from 133 to 130 semester hours, and that the curriculum be revised as follows: First Art 25a, Drawing & A n a t o m y . . . . 4 Arch. 71a, Elem. of Arch 3 Rhetoric 1 3 Language 4 Hygiene 2 Physical Education }4-i Military 1 Total 17-17H Second 2 5 2 2 y£—i 1 4 I6-I6J4 Year Art 25b, Drawing & Anatomy Arch. 72a, Elem. of Arch Rhetoric 2 Language Art 50, Modeling Physical Education Military Total Year Art 12, Hist, of Fine Arts Art 28, Life Drawing Art 32b, Composition Art 41b, Still Life Physical Education Military Elective Total 4 3 3 4 2 yi-l I 17-17X Art I I , Hist, of Fine Arts Art 27, Life Drawing Art 32a, Composition Art 41a, Still Life Physical Education Military Elective Total 2 5 2 2 yi-i 1 4 I6-I6#
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