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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 20 proposed fee has been approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Comptroller, and the Provost, as required by the statutes of the University. O n m o t i o n o f M r . B a r r , t h i s fee w a s e s t a b l i s h e d . SCHOLARSHIPS IN AGRICULTURE A N D HOME ECONOMICS (17) At the meeting of the Board on March 12 the revised regulations governing scholarships in agriculture and home economics, which were authorized at a previous meeting of the Board, were reconsidered at the request of the Directors of the Illinois F a r m e r s ' Institute. Mr. F r a n k S. Haynes, Chairman of the Institute's Committee on Scholarships, was present at the meeting and discussed this matter with the Board. A special committee of the Board, consisting of Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Freeman, and the Secretary, was then appointed to make another revision of the regulations in accordance with the changes authorized by the Board. This committee submits the following regulations which it has authorized the Registrar of the University to put into effect: AGRICULTURE AND H O M E ECONOMICS SCHOLARSHIPS Revised Regulations Scholarships in Agriculture and H o m e Economics are offered by the Board of Trustees of the University under the following provisions: 1. Number of Scholarships: T h e r e are established two scholarships for each county (except Cook and L a k e ) and two for each of the first ten Congressional Districts, one for students in Agriculture and one for students in H o m e Economics. 2. Eligibility for Scholarships: A candidate, to be eligible for either scholarship, must meet the requirements of the University for admission, either as a candidate for a degree or as an unclassified student, and must be at the time of recommendation and must have been for not less than one year prior thereto, a bona fide resident of the county or district from which he or she is recommended. A w a r d s to students entering the University from the high schools will be made only to those students who stood within the upper fifty per cent in scholarship of the classes with which they graduated. T h e standing in class must be based on the student's complete high school record in the school from which he graduates. T h e applicant will be required to present a statement from the principal of his high school certifying his graduation and his scholarship rank within his class. Awards to students entering the University from other colleges or universities, will be made only to those who have achieved an average of fifteen points above the passing mark of the college or university in which they were enrolled; the student's average in such a case will be computed on the basis of his full college record. If the student has attended college less than a year before the award, he must qualify on the basis of his high school record. No person who has been a student in the University is eligible for appointment to one of these scholarships. 3. Appointments to Scholarships: T h e awarding of scholarships in Agriculture and H o m e Economics is made on the following basis: ( i ) All candidates must meet the conditions of eligibility as described in paragraph 2 above and must be recommended by the Illinois Farmers' Institute. In making recommendations the Institute will consider the character and energy of the student. It will not recommend candidates, unless, with the concurrence of their parents, they express it to be their purpose to enter the University at the opening of the semester and remain for at least one year. Scholarship applications must be filed in complete form in the Farmers' Institute Office at Springfield not later than the thtrty-first day of May of each year. (2) All candidates for these scholarships who have been recommended by the Illinois F a r m e r s ' Institute must pass with an average grade of 70 or higher the competitive scholarship examination which is held each year in each county
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