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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 163 shall be composed of two members from each of the affiliated departments, who are to be elected by the respective departments and are to serve for a period of two y e a r s ; except that at the first election one such member shall be appointed to serve only one year, and thereafter one member shall be elected each year. The duties of the Chairman shall be of an advisory and parliamentary character. He shall be Chairman of the Divisional Committee. Meetings of the Divisional Committee, of the entire Division or of groups within the Division, shall be called by the Chairman when it seems advisable to him, or upon the request of any two members of the Divisional Committee. The Committee shall determine eligibility to vote in general divisional meetings, or in meetings of smaller groups within the Division. The Committee shall, also, through its Chairman, present annually to the Dean of the College a general report of the proceedings of the Division. It shall be within the province of the Division to discuss matters of general educational procedure within the limits of its field. These are understood to include such matters as the correlation of courses, the elimination of duplicating courses, and the construction of curricula with reference to the unity of the general field. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, the establishment of this division was approved as recommended. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION S C H O O L OF JOURNALISM (13) T h e University Senate submits with its approval the following recommendation from the faculty of the School of Journalism for the adoption of a grade point system as a requirement for graduation: In order to receive the bachelor's degree in the School of Journalism a student must obtain as many grade points as credits in courses taken at the University of Illinois, and presented for the degree, exclusive of required courses in Military Science and Physical Education, and of the 60 hours required for admission to the School of Journalism. I recommend approval, this change to become effective September 1, 1935, and applicable to classes graduating in 1937 and thereafter. On motion of Mr. Barr, this recommendation was adopted. REQUIREMENTS CURRICULA IN CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (14) The University Senate submits with its approval a recommendation from the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that the language requirements for admission to the curricula in chemistry and chemical engineering be changed to include Italian or Spanish in addition to Latin, Greek, German, and French as heretofore provided. I recommend approval. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this change was approved. ORGAN PRACTICE FEE (15) A recommendation that the Summer Session fee for the use of practice organs be reduced from $10.00 to $7.50. T w o years ago the Board authorized a reduction of twenty-five per cent in the organ practice fee charged during the regular academic year, but at that time the Summer Session fee was overlooked. ADMISSION On motion of Mrs. Freeman, this change was authorized. LABORATORY FEE IN PHYSIOLOGY (16) A recommendation that a laboratory fee of $3.50 be established for Physiology 7 (advanced mammalian physiology of respiration, digestion, and endocrine glands), which was first offered during the present semester. The
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